Chapter 21-Kidnap

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Sorry if this chapter is bad! I tried my best but this what I could do. I am not satisfied with this but anyways here's the chapter. Let me know what you guys think. I appreciate criticism.


I woke up with alight headache. I opened my eyes wincing. Darkness. That's what I say. I thought I was made blind by for a second but after some time my eyes adjusted and I could see. Wait where am I? This is clearly not Blake's bedroom. Blake's bed is more soft, but the thing whichever it is I am on is very hard uncomfortable especially after being used to the warmth of sleeping in my mate's arms and on top of him. Where is he? Major question:Where am I? 

I racked my brain trying to remember where am I and how I got here. Then a voice echoed in my brain.

  Hello princess! Nice to meet you.

I was filled with fear. That voice was so terribly evil. Then my world came crashing down as realization hit me. I looked around to try to convince myself that I was wrong. But no, I am not wrong and I wished with everything in me that I was wrong and I was just having a nightmare like before. In the nightmare I wasn't able to control my movements but here I can which proves that I am not dreaming.

I was kidnapped. That creepy guy held on a cloth to me which I assume is chloroform and successfully knocked me out. Now I am at some unknown place. I don't know what to do. It's just around a week for me to perfect fighting but I doubt even if I did I would be able to escape. Is there any way to escape except waiting for Blake to find me? I don't think it is easy to find me. They are four realms to hide me and I also think that my kidnappers kept me somewhere hidden and secretive and it wouldn't be easy to find. I mean who the hell kidnaps and keeps in a house with a board 'This is where we are keeping the kidnapped one' not possible right?

Where the heck am I? I looked around to find some clues as to where I am and gasped with shock to find that this place very much revealed to be the place in my dream. I can't find the door because of the darkness but I did see the outline of the steps further to the right. I found myself chained at both my wrists and ankles. I am lying on the cold and hard floor in a creepy room where darkness is the only thing. It is exactly the same as in my dream.

I turned my head and sure enough there is another cell next to me, separating both the cells with bars. There is someone in it there but I can't see well since this room is anything but dark. Exactly like in my dream or should I say nightmare. But that's impossible. How can my dream come true? I am just a human. Or being Blake's mate gave me powers in some way and I could see the future. I should have known it. I had a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen but I pushed aside telling myself that I am just sad and being paranoid. I just hope that everyone else is safe and that Blake is not freaking out.

Blake. I miss him. I read and heard that males go crazy without their mate. I don't know what he is doing. I just hope that he is okay. I know he will freak you. How can he not? When I tried cooking, which I absolutely suck at, but somehow I got interested that day, I cut my hand and next thing I know Blake is shouting heavily, guards running all over and in a few minutes I saw them carrying a woman. I mean it when I said carried. One guard held the bag which contain medical supplies and such while two others carried her with her around each of their shoulders and the expression on her face quite comical. She looked so confused and scared. Apparently they just picked her up while she is talking to a client without telling anything and running to us. Call me weird but I laughed for so much  that my stomach hurt because I found it funny. They literally kidnapped her for what? To put a band aid around my finger and I have to say it is not a deep cut, just a drop or two of blood escaped. Obviously I was forbidden from entering the kitchen except to eat from that day. I guess he would be causing a havoc now. Gabbs would be crying non-stop. Why should this happen and most importantly who is doing this and why? Blake told me that the war was over and everything was at peace. No problem, no troubles, no resistances. Who are the people who kidnapped me? Is there something that I don't know? But I am sure that Blake told me the truth he  said that there was no resistance. Does it mean that they too doesn't know about these people. Who kidnapped me and what do they want? I  was brought from my thoughts when I heard a movement which sounds like a door moving.

My Only 'One'حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن