Chapter 7-Dance

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"No one will even think of laying a hand of my mate. If they do I will kill them even before they can touch a single hair of yours. I won't let any one touch you. Any one."

Is it normal to feel irritated listening to him call me mate. When he says mate I feel more of an object rather than a person.

"Um.. Okay. I understand. But it is a possibility."

"NO! No one, I mean, no one touches my mate."

"Okay! Okay! I get it. No one will touch me. Happy now? But still I want to learn sword fighting. Let me learn what I want to. And you know my name is Sophie Evelyn Harrison. You can call me Sophie or Evelyn. My name is not mate.  It makes me feel as if I am an object or possession."

"You are mine."

There again. Making me feel as an object. He even said it seriously. He means it! He means that I am his! Is it supposed to make one feel loved. It is not so in my case. May be after some time. But not now. Certainly not when we were discussing the matter at head.

He purposefully avoided answering my question when I said that I will voice my opinion. He dodged that by informing me about dance and etiquette. I have a feeling that vampires are more of male dominance and female submission. All you have to do is look pretty. Like hell i am going to do that.

"You know we vampires call our mate beloved. Mate is more of a were-wolf thing. Beloved is a vampire thing."

This peaked my interest. I withdrew immediately from his arms to look at his face.

"So were-wolves exist?"

"Yes. So do witches, angels, fairies."


But before I could question further and quench my thirst of curiosity a clearing of throat behind us interrupted. We both looked at the source of sound and found it to be Ben. I pouted at being interrupted. I wanted to know about them. Are vampires and were-wolves enemies as shown in movies. I want to know and the interruption is not accepted. 

"You people are late. I think you have to practice dance and etiquette. It's already eleven thirty."

"Do you agree to my deal. Please! Please Xavier!"

"Fine!" he agreed reluctantly. 

"But why are you interested in learning fighting and vampire history." This time it is Ben who questioned me. I sighed shaking my head. 

"You people are Royalty right?"

"Yes" he nodded.

I gave him a look to say that explains it all. He raised an eyebrow.

"How is it connected?"

They are more dumb than they appear.

"Well. Royalties have enemies. Attacks are possible in any moment. If what you people say is true and I am his beloved that means I am his strength and also his weakness. To defeat him they would try to kill me or kidnap me. It's not that I don't believe in your capacity or something like that.

 One should be prepared for every situation. I want to defend myself or manage to be alive until someone comes to my rescue. I have zero athletic skills so that is bound to be a minus point. I don't want to be this kingdom's weakness but strength.

Coming to vampire history if I am going to be Queen I should know more about my people. I should understand them what all happened before me and what should be done or shouldn't be done could be learned. One need not learn from one's own mistakes, we can learn from other's mistakes and can also get inspired by the good things they did.

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