{28}To love a monster

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Wait...bfvhifbdofbrofbro WHAT AN UPDATE!!? I can't believe this!

I'm alive bitchessssss

Hahaha yes Im alive. I'm sorry for be so M.i.a. I don't have a real excuse honestly for why I haven't updated.

I was in one of those time periods. You know where you don't want to do shit. Like at all. Honestly I barely have even opened my wattpad app because I had no urge to. But nowwww I'm back.

While I was enjoying my long ass break I got addicted to this show called "grey's anatomy". I'm currently on season 9! YAAASS

I HAVE CRIED SO MUCH but i'm so used to it now. The show likes to play with my emotions and its annoying. I already know my ships that I have sailed will end up crashing. Cuz spoiler alert I know whats going to happen.

And I also started re-watching fairytail cuz I havent in a long ass time.

Any shows you currently are watching?

Much love

My eyes open greeting a clear blue sky, white clouds floating around in puffs. It was quiet and soothing. My head squished and I realized that I was in water. Taking in deep breaths I force my legs to keep me upright. The water was so clear I could see my own hand perfectly. I looked around but all there was a clear path of water.

I was the only one here.

Where exactly was I?

I swim over to the grass area and push myself up. A small breeze hits my skin and I look down.

"Fucking shit, could I at least have clothes."

I was bare ass naked.

I realllllyyy hope I'm the only one here. I'm not trying to show any one my little tits.

My eyes gaze over where I'm but there only seems to be water. My eyes squint against the sun and I lift my arm up.

All there was was water.

Just endless water and a naked ass me.



I never felt so powerful and relieved. Her body was weak but my power was strong.

I kind of felt bad for the poor girl. Lost and stuck in a portal that I've been in my whole existence.

I wonder where she's doing at the moment. Knowing how pathetic she is she is probably still floating in the water.

That water had been with me my whole life. I was stuck in the back of Cassie's thick head. Forced into a dark corner, not allowed to feel, to move, to escape.

As she grew I got aggravated. She had so much control, and yet I had none.

Until they began giving her the shots. You see that's where she fucked up. The shots or "medicine" does the exact opposite. As it forces me in the black hole I became stronger. Not allowed to use my power. I always blamed the joker for creating me. Putting me in a position where I was useless.

Now I'm greatful, because I can finally be free of the locked chains that hold me down.

I push the thought of dear old Cassie in the deep box of my mind. Time for her to feel what I've felt my whole life. To watch from the sidelines not being able to do anything.

I clench my fist feeling Cassie's fingers crack.

"My dear, ohhhh how long I have been waiting for you."

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