Chapter 12

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As I walked to the Arena, Fishlegs looks at me.

"What is it? Is something wrong, Fishlegs?" I asked the Viking with a curious face.

"No. It's just with everything has happened these past few days, I can't believe that you, Hiccup, actually killed a dragon! A Night Fury and you became one?!?"

I rubbed my head, nervously, "You really don't have to remind me that, Fishlegs. I'm trying my best here of everything is normal."

He realized that as he notices the other villagers are staring at us.

"Oh, right. I totally forgot about that. Sorry." He apologizes.

I laughed, which Fishlegs was stunned.

"I never seen you laugh since we were seven." He recalled.

"Well, I guess I'm changing for the better."

I entered the arena where the rest of the gang was waiting.

"Ok, gang, let's get you your own dragon. First up, Snoutlout."

"Me? Uh, you sure?" He asks nervously.

"I'm sure."  I replied.

I entered the Nightmare's cell.

" Hi. I'm Hiccup."  I said.

The Nightmare said, "J don't believe it. Meatlug and Barf and Belch told me-"

"About being the legendary Dragon Prince who had to face the Dragon Queen? Yeah, that's me." I said, sarcastically.

"I'm Hookfang."  Hookfang introduces himself.

"Just for the record, I really love your way of Nightmare gel. I was actually going to invent something with it if I ever encounter a Nightmare."  I said, embarrassed.

"Oh, I will happily give you some. So, what brings the Dragon Prince to my cell?"  Hookfang asks.


As we waited for Hiccup, I was nervous.

Me, Snoutlout, going to train a Dragon?

Astrid punches me in the shoulder.

"Hey, you all right?" She asks me.

"Yeah,  it's just with everything with Hiccup..."

"We have to keep this a secret, Snoutlout. For all our sakes."

"I know. It's happening so fast, I-"

As I about to finish, I see my cousin coming out of the cell of the Nightmare.

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