Chapter 04: Truth

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With a sigh, he brushed the thought away temporarily and unlocked the door.

“Why are you with him anyway, Eren?! Since your apartment is unusable for now and I’m back home for a short time, why not come home? You can come back here when the apartment is back in usable state!”

“I told you Mikasa! I still have things to be settled, and I don’t want to inflict anything on the both of you!”

“But Eren, I can protect you there—“

“Thank you for the concern, Mikasa. But I really want to handle this myself. So, just go home.” He closed his eyes and walked ahead into the apartment, passing Levi who stood by the doorway.

Levi cast a short glance at Mikasa and sighed, “I could send you back if you wish. It’s late anyway.” He offered monotonously.

Mikasa looked at him with somewhat hatred and suspicion and turned away with a scoff: “I can go perfectly well by myself. You better wish nothing happens to Eren; or else…” a dark glare was sent his way.

“Up to you.” He shrugged slightly and closed the door with a click, noticing that Eren had run to the kitchen long ago.

Just as he was about to go take a shower, he could hear her voice accompanied by another very familiar voice. He assumed it must have been Eren’s blonde friend, whom he met on that day, on the phone with her. He wasn’t going to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help to overhear something that surprised him…

“… Armin, why didn’t you tell me earlier when Eren stopped going to school and came here to—“

By the end of the sentence, she must have already walked away, so Levi couldn’t hear anything anymore.

He furrowed his brows; Eren dropped out of school? That was something bad, and what was he really planning then? This reeled his mind back to pondering about the boy and everything that had occurred. Eren even said that…he didn’t want them implicated with what he was doing?

“Levi!” Eren called with the cheeriness back in his tone. “Why don’t you go shower first? I’ll make dinner.”

Levi looked up and saw Eren’s head popped out from the kitchen. He scoffed, but there was slight humor in him at how wifely Eren sounded. He gave an agreeing nod at the teen and headed upstairs. The questions he had were partially forgotten- for now at least.


The next morning, Eren and Levi were seated at the dining table with breakfast in hand (since Eren insisted they eat something before leaving). Levi took a sip of the coffee Eren had prepared. He kept his eyes trained on said teen.

After dinner the previous night, Eren retired to his room early and stayed in there. Levi was still wondering about everything that was happening, but he was sure that the teen wouldn’t tell him openly if he just asked. Curiosity got the better of him; he had thought of an idea to find out what was really going on without having to go through annoying and meaningless questioning.

“Eren,” Levi called the teen and made him look up from his breakfast.


“I can check in to work a little later today so let me send you to school.”

A handful of amusement washed over him while watching the teen half-choke on his food at his idea.

“H-Huh?!” he coughed, quickly protesting: “It’s alright, Levi! I can go by myself! Besides, save your petrol—“

“You said yourself that your school was nearer here, and petrol is a small matter to me. I’m curious to see your school, so just let me send you.” Levi cut in with interest in his coal orbs.

♡ Eternal Bond ♡ {EreRi | RiRen}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin