Accidentally fallen for you. oops. (10)

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My heart went into overtime.

"How come he isn't in prison?" I asked. Trying to keep my breathing even.

"He was. For a few years. He either escaped or wasn't proven guilty"

"You did the right thing for turning him in. but for the wrong reason" I told him. Finally looking at his face. He was tortured. His hands tight on the steering wheel.

"I know" He muttered.

"You know what might help?"


I grabbed a blueberry and banana nut muffin out of my purse.

"Which kind?" I asked.

"Banana nut" He muttered.

I unwrapped it for him and handed it to him.

"Eat. You'll feel better" I told him. Although that might be the reason of obesity. But hey. Less suicide.

"Don't only girls do this?" He asked with his mouth full.

"No. guys do too" I stuck my tongue out at him. While my mouth was full.

"Gross" He finally smiled.

"So... what time is it?"

"Um..." he looked at his watch. "8:34pm"

"Ugh. When are we stopping. I have to pee" I crossed my legs.

"We will stop at a rest stop. Like the one with the McDonalds"

I spotted a sign with 'Rest area' on it. And clapped my hands. Pointing at the sign.

"Turn mister" I ordered. Prepared to hop out of the truck and roll to the bathrooms.

He turned into the rest area and I jumped out before the truck stopped. I nearly fell onto a little 5 year old girl. She pointed at me and said "Bad girl" to her mom.

Okay. I did feel a little bad for nearly falling on her. But hey. A girl has to go!

-----Ben's POV-----

She ran into the bathroom. I watched her. Worried she would fall.

She was so sure of herself. Determined to stay with me. The bad influence.

I hate myself for taking her with me. And getting her hurt and angry with me. She must hate me..

I got the back of the truck ready to sleep. And I grabbed some clothes and soap for the shower I definitely needed.

I headed to the bathroom. Wait. I don't want a repeat of the other day. When I got lost in the woods.

I waited for Lily to get out of the bathroom. She was taking forever. I sat outside the bathrooms. Getting glares from old women and waves by younger.

"Hi. I'm Joan" A girl looking to be 16 said. She had above her shoulders blonde hair with a black streak in it. She must be making a statement. She was overly friendly.

"Hi" I said.

"What's your name?" She sat next to me in short shorts and a tank top.

"Ben" I muttered. Maybe I should have used a different name?

"Hi Ben" She smiled. She had heavy make up on her eyes. I couldn't help but compare her to Lily.

Sure she is pretty. But in a different way. To me. Lily is much more beautiful to me.

"Where are you from Ben?" She asked.

"New York" I lied.

"I love New York. Where in New York? Maybe I could see you sometime" She hinted.

Accidentally fallen for you. oopsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin