Chapter 7 - Pregnant

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"Oh my god, what?!" Cash screamed in delight as she saw Will and Kimi round the corner into her kitchen, Liv and Emmie coming in not too far behind. "You two actually came!" she exclaimed as she grabbed both of them and squeezed them into a bear hug, shaking them a little in her excitement.

"Surprise!" Will exclaimed in return before they both embraced Cash just as tightly, making sure they were careful around the big belly that was pushing into them. "How are you?"

Cash sighed with a smile on her face, her hands coming around her belly as she felt her child kicking restlessly. "I'm good, I'm really good. I mean, the little shit treats my bladder like a trampoline and I haven't been able to sleep comfortably in weeks, but this is like a dream come true, like, being pregnant and being a mum. It's all so exciting!"

"I bet it is!" Kimi agreed, as they all sat around the kitchen table, Liv preparing some drinks and Emmie helped herself to the cake that sat in the centre of the table. "Do you know what you're having?"

Cash shook her head. "Nah, we wanted it to be a surprise. And besides, all our baby stuff is white or black, and Jamie is pretty gender-neutral, so it doesn't really matter what gender the baby is," she explained, shrugging her shoulders. "As long as it's healthy, that's all I care about."

Everyone smiled, genuinely happy for the big steps that their friend was making her life. "Oh look at you," Kimi gushed, so elated for her friend. "First to buy a house, first to a baby, first to get married, you really are lucky!"

"Yeah, we were arguing the other week if we could even handle a cat, and you're having a baby!" Will mentioned, remembering the 4 hour long discussion he, Kimi and Henry had after their neighbour's cat had a litter of kittens. In the end, Princess was enjoying every single second of attention the three of them had given her from the moment they took her home. "You're definitely much more of an adult than the rest of us."

"Excuse you, we are looking after two boys ourselves, thank you very much," Emmie chimed in, looking slightly offended that Will had forgotten.

"They're both 18 and they're working for us, Emmie, it's hardly parenting," Liv retorted, rolling her eyes as she sipped her tea. 

Liv and Emmie were living together in the apartment attached to Dale's store after he had given them both the responsibility of running it while he was in LA. They split the work between them, doing quite well for themselves as they also pursued other things: Liv was a part-time couples counsellor while Emmie wrote erotic fiction that she sold in the store. Dash and Danny, the two 18 year olds they were currently looking after, were two runaways from a rural town who needed work and shelter, luckily stumbling across Liv who had caught them living in the alley behind their store. Liv and Emmie had been curious about why they'd run away, but the two boys had kept their lips shut so far, not giving the girls a single clue as to why.

"It still counts to me," Emmie shrugged, poking her tongue out at her roommate childishly.

"Anyway," Will cut in, diverting the conversation back to Cash and her impending wedding. "How are the wedding plans going?"

"Really well," Cash replied, reaching over to the counter beside her to grab her wedding binder, so thick and heavy that it landed with a thud as she placed it onto the table. "While you're all here, we can finally squeeze in the bridesmaids dress fitting, and lucky for you Will, they even make a suit in the same lilac as the dresses, so you're definitely a bridesman," she rattled off as she flipped through the pages in the binder. 

And so the afternoon went on, the five reunited in a time that that was rarely the case, enjoying the small time they'd have together, drinking tea and discussing the finer details of the wedding that Cash needed advice on, before the reunion weekend and Will and Kimi's inevitable return to LA. 

Soon, they started to talk about the reunion, talking about who they wanted to see, who they were going to avoid - Shayla - and placed bets on who was going to make an ass of themselves in one way or another.

"Have you seen her Facebook posts?" Kimi argued, lifting out of her seat a little as they made bets on who would brag most about their partner. "There's no way Priya's not going just go on and on about her famous plastic surgeon husband, she never shuts up about it!"

"Jemima's worse with all those sappy essays about true love and happy marriages," Emmie countered, pretending to gag. "Priya's got nothing on her."

"Nah, I'm putting money on Jemima not shutting up about her kid, every moment of his life is on Facebook, I swear! I'm so tired of seeing his little face all the time," Will disagreed as he rolled his eyes, only to turn to Cash and say, "not with yours though, I wanna see every moment," as he realised his mistake.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna be like that with Jamie. Jemima irritates me as well," Cash assured as she shook her head with a small laugh, dismissing Will's concern.

"Who's irritating you, babe?" a deep voice asked as a tall, lanky figure appeared in the doorway, approaching his wife-to-be and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Just someone from high school, you'll probably meet her tomorrow," Cash explained to her fiance, giving him a peck on the cheek as well, before he made the rounds to say hello to everyone else.

Corey was a chef who Cash had met at a party three years earlier, bumping into each other at the food table as they helped themselves to the amazing food that Corey had prepared, which he'd mentioned to her in an attempt to impress her. Luckily enough for them both, it worked, as Cash gushed over how delicious it all was. They hit it off from there, talking all night and into the early hours of the morning, getting to know each other and they both realised, on some level, that this was something special. They began dating a few weeks later, and he moved into Cash's place only a few months after that. Corey had proposed just over a year ago, and in the lead up to their nuptials, they found out that Cash was pregnant, conceived on Corey's birthday - by their estimation - and was due in the next couple weeks, much to the couple's delight.

"So what's happening tomorrow evening exactly?" Corey asked as he opened the fridge and pulled out a beer.

"We're going to O'Flannigan's for some drinks," Cash explained, having helped with the planning for the reunion since she had a lot of free time on her hands while she was pregnant, before beginning to complain about not being able to drink because of the baby that was going crazy inside her stomach. "Being pregnant sucks!"

"I thought it was a dream come true?" Emmie teased as she quoted Cash from earlier that afternoon.

"I may be pregnant, but I'll still hit you," Cash threatened as she death-stared her blonde friend, ready to jump across the table and wrestle her. Except she couldn't since that would hurt the baby. Damn it. 

"It's going to be so weird to see everyone again," Kimi piped in, diverting the attention away from the moody mummy. "It's been so long since I've seen them all."

And as the conversation about people from high school, and memories, and stories, and drama, Will just sat and listened, thinking to himself, hoping, wishing...

Hopefully not everybody.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: I have to admit, this is a filler chapter, and not much happened, but there's some new information for you all about some of the things that's happened during the time jump, so hopefully that makes up for something. Also, the return of one of the main characters will happen next chapter so look forward to that!  x

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