Chapter 1 - Vietnam

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A/N: So, I'm about to flashback to just after the Epilogue of Change, after doing the flashforward teaser of the Prologue, because I can. There's still a bit more I gotta cover before we get to that, so hold on tight!

In other news, I've started a new story - Coffee Dates - that is less high school drama and more cute and romantic (hopefully) - so if you could go and check that out, I'll love you forever!

Also, please vote/comment/follow if you can - it's the life force that keeps writers writing, like me 'cause I always need validation!

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"Henry?" was all Will was able to choke out as his emotions crashed over him like a tidal wave. It was like his brain shorted out with too many thoughts and feelings for him to properly process all at once.

Was he angry? Fuck yeah. This ass disappeared on him, out of the blue, with no explanation, no goodbye, no recognition or acknowledgement of the love that they had. Of course he was angry. He was downright furious.

But a part of him also felt sad. A bitter sadness over the death of the great love they'd once had. It wasn't even that long ago, in the grand scheme of things. But it was definitely enough time for Will to know that it was dead and buried, no matter how painful his mourning of it was. 

"Will," was all Henry supplied in return. There was a pained expression on his face, as if being here was hurting him.

Neither of them said anything for awhile, just looking at each other, trying to assess how the other was feeling since they didn't know exactly what they were feeling themselves. The flurry of emotions was a bit too much for either of them to completely handle.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked, noticing how long it had been since either of them had spoke. But most of all, he wanted answers. It was something he felt he deserved after being left out in the cold the way he had been.

"I'm here to see you," Henry replied, pretty much stating the obvious. 

Will wanted to roll his eyes at his lame response, wanting more than that. "No shit, really?" he bit back sardonically, only noticing how harsh he'd been when he saw Henry wince. Will sighed, calming himself so that he didn't let his emotions take over. "It's been a year, Henry, you could've come and seen me any other time, instead of just cutting me out like that. Why now?" he asked, trying to keep his tone even when all he wanted to do was cry. 

He was so confused by this situation, blindsided that this was actually happening. He'd thought that Henry was a distant memory, someone he'd once loved who he'd never see ever again. And yet, here he was, standing in his doorway, looking as bemused as Will felt.

"What are you talking about Will?" Henry responded, eyebrows knitted together. "I only just got back."

"Back from where?" Will asked, growing more and more frustrated as the conversation wore on. "What are you talking about?"

"My parents sent me back to Vietnam, Will," Henry explained, looking at Will as if this was something that he should've known. "Didn't you know that?"

"You were in Vietnam?!" Will exclaimed, shocked to find out exactly why his ex had disappeared out of nowhere. "Why did they send you back to Vietnam?!"

"They didn't like the fact that we were dating so they told me one night that I was going back the next day to 'straighten' me out and get in touch with God again 'cause Western culture had corrupted me too much," Henry continued on, the anger within him bubbling up as he thought about the hell his parents had put him through over the last year. The fact that they hadn't only hurt him, but also Will, angered him even further. "They didn't tell you that?" he asked, having a sliver of hope that his parents weren't that awful.

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