chapter 20

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We arrived at the graduation ceremony and I was more nervous than before. Harry could tell I was nervous so he held onto my hand and squeezed it a couple times reassuringly. We sat down and they were already at the First and I get really nervous and say "Harry I can't do this" he kisses me and says "yes you can" I'm okay until I hear "Isabelle Grey" I feel like I wanna cry. I walk up grab my diploma and sit back down I look at Harry and he smiles then I hear "Harry Styles" I kiss him then he goes and receives his diploma and I look at him and he's the same as me..Eyes watering and big smiles on our faces. They dismiss us soon later and me and Harry walking out and realize our life starts now and I start crying and he starts crying and he says "why are you crying?" I laugh and say "I'm not ready for this but I'm happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you" he laughs and I say "why are you crying?" He laughs and says "the same reason as you" I laugh and he kisses me and it brutally gets interrupted by non other than Jessica. "Hey babe" she says pushing me out of the way and moving her hands all over Harry. He doesn't talk to her so she goes up to his eye and whispers loud enough for me to hear and says "why don't we go back to my place and 'celebrate' " I look down and he pushes her off and says "sorry but I'd rather celebrate with my girlfriend so bye bye" he fake smiled and waved her off and I laughed as she stomped pouted and walked away. Then Logan came over to me and grabbed my waist and pull me close and said "well if Harry won't celebrate then I will how about you let me be your first babygirl" I know Harry hears so I laugh and say "I'm not a virgin" his and Harry's eyes go wide and Logan says "wait what?" I said "I'" his eyes are still wide and he said "who got to you before me?!" I smirk and say "Harry" Harry's eyes look like their gonna pop out of their socket's and Logan said "I thought Harry was kidding" I laugh and smirked "nope" he is still shocked but laughs and hugs me and I hug him back and he says "have a good life Issy" I smile and say "you too Logan I hope life treats you well" he hugs me again and walks away. Even tho we had our differences Logan is a good guy. I turn around and walk to Harry and his eyes are wide and his jaw is dropped and he said "did you just, what did you" I laugh and say "what Harry?" He smirks and says "I can't believe you just said that" I laugh and say "I can't believe it either" he laughs and I say "but that's for doing that to me in the hallway" he blushes and I stand on my tippy toes to reach his red cheeks and I peck them. He kisses me and says "I can't wait to start my life with you" I smile and said "I already have and let me just say I'm loving it" we both smile and he holds my hands and a woman who looks around 20 came up to us and she said "I'm so proud of you Harry" her British accent prominent. She hugs Harry and he says "thanks mum" wait that's his mom! She looks so young and notice I didn't say 'mum' I'm American and Harry's British. She pulls back from him and I stand there and she says "Isabelle you look so lovely today" I smile and say "thank you..?" "Anne call me Anne darling" I smile "well thank you Anne you look beautiful as well" we both laugh and she says "thank you darling" and Harry says "well we are going to go back home to celebrate mom" she smirks and we start walking to the car and before we could even walk 4 steps away she said "make sure you use protection you two!" And laughs Harry turns around and we both blush and he says "mum!" She laughs and I start laughing and Harry pulls me and we walk to the car. And he says "why are you laughing" I try to calm down and say "because it's funny" he laughs and says "so my mum making embarrassing sex jokes about me is funny?" I laugh some more and say "little bit" he laughs and says "you're horrible!" I laugh and say "but you love me" he stops and says "that I can't deny" and he kisses me. We arrive at his house and his mom is already there and she said "where have you too been?" He smirked at me and said "we couldn't wait so we did it in the car" her jaw dropped and Harry starts laughing and she looks at me and I mouth 'no we didn't' and she laughs and Harry drags me up to his room and he throws himself on the bed and I laugh. And he says "come cuddle with me" I sigh "no hazza I have to get changed- wait I have no clothes" he gets up and says here and he hands me a pair of spandex shorts and one of his white t-shirts "who did you get the spandex from?" He simply says "my sister Gemma" wait he has a sister? "I thought you only had a brother?" He laughs and says "I have a sister also but she is in college" oooh "oh" I grab the clothes and go change in his bathroom, I walk out and I get under the covers with him and he says "princess I have a surprise" I look up at him and he pulls out 2 key chains with a key on each of them and he says "I got us a house" I quickly sit up and say "you what?!" He sits up and says "yea a-are you mad?" I tackle him in a hug and we fall on the bed and I say "I love you so much Harry" and I kiss him and he says "we move in tomorrow" I look at him "I can't believe you did this Harry,  how much was the house I'm gonna pay half" he laughs and says "no babe you don't have too both our mums payed for it" I snuggle into his chest and say "thank you so much" I hear "no problem princess" and I that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep in Harrys arms...


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