chapter 17

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The weekend flew by so fast and now I'm back at school, ugh I hate Mondays but atleast I'm graduating next week I walk to my locker and I see Logan waiting there for me and I hesatentally go up to my locker and he pins both of my hands to the locker and says "hey babe I missed you" I try to get out of his grip but it's too strong "babe quit trying to leave you know you want to stay" I laugh and say "why would I want to stay with you" he goes to my ear and whispers "cause I can show you a good time" I cringe and say "I don't want you to show me a good time" I was thinking about if I should say it or not, but I did "I have harry for that" he laughs and says "harry can't show you anything but I can" I cringe again and try to escape and say "once again I don't want you so leave me alone" he laughs and whispers "but i want you baby girl" I was about to say something but harry comes up and says "Logan leave" he lets go of my wrists and says "remember my offer I can show you a good time babe" I cringe and roll my eyes and he walks away and harry said "what did he whisper to you" my cheeks start getting red "nothing harry it's nothing" he stops "it's not nothing now tell me" I stop and I look down and I mumble "he offered m..." Harry said "what?" And I sigh and say "he said he can show me a good time and he offered exactly that" my cheeks are redder than ever and he said "y-you aren't gonna take him up on that offer a-are you?" I look at him and say "of course not harry I don't need that from him" he sighs "I'm sorry that I can't give you what he is" he looks so disappointed in himself and say said "harry please look at me" he looks at me with the saddest face and I said "you don't have to apologise, you aren't ready and neither am I okay it'll happen at the right time we don't need to rush these things cause of other people okay" he pulls me into a hug "thank you issy" I hug him back "no problem Harry" he holds my hand and I say "why did you think I would take him up on his offer?" His cheeks get red and says "because he's popular and all the lady's love him and would probably take him up on that offer in a second and plus I cant offer you that yet so that's why" I weakly smile "oh harry I don't like Logan he's a jerk and a player but you are probably right other girls would probably take him up on that offer in a second and once again not being ready isn't a bad thing harry, I'm not ready but I know when you are I'll be too because I trust you and I actually love how you respect your body and is not throwing it around" he kisses me and says "I love you issy" and I say "and I love you Harry" we walk hand in hand to class and I couldn't be more inlove with anyone else. We sit down in math and I see Logan looking at me and I look at him and he mouths  "remember my offer" I see harry looking as well and he looks back at me with a sad face and I kiss him and say "I don't need anyone but you Harry" he smiles and kisses me and we get on with class our stupid teacher announces that we have a end of the year project and the whole class groans and I raise my hand and I say "can we pick out partners" and she says "no I already have them together" I groan and I look at harry and say "this sucks" and he nods in agreement. Finally my name is called but I hear a name I never even want to hear "issabelle and Logan" I look at harry in worry and he says "it's okay I'm gonna be here with you alright nothing's gonna happen" I nod and I look at Logan and he has a smirk on his face and harry holds me and I start to calm down but then I hear "harry and Jessica" Jessica Is a popular girl that is beautiful, has a great body, even her hair is amazing and then there's me, boring old issabelle with plain hair, I have a nice body but not great and I'm not beautiful, sometimes I don't even know why Harry's with me when he has the chance to be with a girl that looks like a supermodel. The teacher says "also this is an out of school project" I get worried about two things 1. I have to be with Logan and 2. Harry gets to be alone with a supermodel. Great this is just great and harry holds me again and says "baby there's no need to worry alright I don't like Jessica and if he trys anything I will push her off cause I want you and only you okay princess" I nod and he kisses my forehead. Logan comes over to me and says "hey babe let's go to your place and work on our project sound good" I hesatentally nod and harry says "just so you know Logan I'm gonna be there" he rolls his eyes and says "fine" then Jessica comes over to harry and says "hey baby why don't we go over to your place and work on our project" in the most seductive way possible. Harry says "sorry I'm already going to issabelle's" she rolls her eyes and says "I'm sorry you have to baby sit" and I look down and my eyes water and harry says "babe I don't want her I want y- wait are you crying?" I wipe my eyes "n-no I'm fine" he strokes my hair and says "babe why's re crying" I let a stray tear go down my face and he wipes it and I say "because Logan won't leave me alone and Jessica obviously wants you and I know you want her because just look at her she's like a supermodel and then look at me" he lightly takes my chin and makes me look at him and he says "babe once again I want you and no one else and she is just a girl that is looking for attention okay and yes maybe she does have all of those traits but so do you love but there is one more thing that makes you better than her" I give him a confused look at say "what that I'm smart? Just another dumb thing" and he says "no you have a heart, you actually care for other people's feelings and you respect yourself unlike other people and I love you for that" he kiss him and say "thank you Harry" he kisses my forehead and says "no problem princess" but all I know is this project is gonna be interesting not interesting like me and Louis project because me and him we're actually friends but this project is gonna be different..Bad different...


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