chapter 18

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I get nervous because Logan is coming over to work on our project. Harry and Logan said they would be over at 3 and it's 2:40 and I here a knock at my door. It can't be, "hey babe" ugh "h-hi Logan" I say quietly, stuttering a bit because he is here early. Wait. He knew harry was coming. He sits on the couch and motions me to sit down next to him, I get out my stuff and begin to write down information about the project while he just sits there and stares at me. "W-what?" He keeps looking at me and says "your just beautiful issabelle" I laugh him, think I'M beautiful yea okay "nice joke" I say laugh and he says "I'm serious" and he puts his hand on my cheek and my breathing started to speed up. What was he gonna do. I keep writing down stuff and then I hear the door open and Logan grabs my face and kisses me and I push him off and I look up to see a watered eyed harry and a smirking Logan. I get up "harry it's not what it looks like" he walks up to me "really?! Cause I think you were just kissing him" I look at harry "I didn't kiss him" he laughs and I look at Logan "Logan leave now" he sits still "LEAVE" I shout and he gets his stuff and scurries out the door. I hear the door shut and I see harry with watering eyes and an angry face, "what's wrong with you issabelle! I thought we were happy" I sigh "harry we are happy, I didn't kiss him gosh!" we were next to the wall and I started to walk away but he grabbed my arms and pushed me against the wall and he says "then why were his lips against yours" "cause he put em there" I spat. He let a stray tear run down his face "what" I grab his face and kiss him and he lets go of my arms and holds my waist. "I didn't kiss him" he kisses me and says "you didn't kiss him" "I didn't harry I promise right when you were walking through the door that's when he grabbed my face and kissed me" he puts his forehead on mine and says "I'm sorry baby" I laugh "it's okay harry, but why didn't you believe me?" I say looking down and he says "I wanted to babe I did but when I saw it I just got so insecure because you are so beautiful and I'm so lucky that you're mine" I kiss him and say "harry I wouldn't trade you for anybody" he smiles "you wouldn't" I laugh "no I love you so much and I can't imagine my life with anyone else but you" he lifts me up and he spins us around and we fall on the couch and we laugh and he says "and I wouldn't trade you" and I said "you better not trade me!" He laughs and says "what if I do" I start to fake cry and say "then i-ill be out of your l-life like you w-wanted" and he pulled me closer and said "no babe don't cry I would never trade you" I lift my head up and say "gotcha" he is shocked but he's laughing at the same time. And I say "I'm sorry hazza don't be mad" and he says "you really made me think you were crying" with a little pout and I say "well how can I make it up to you" he smiles and says "maybe..A kiss" and I laugh and say "babe you can have all the kisses you want" and I give him a kiss and he says "thank you" and smiles and I say "haz" "yes princess?" He answers. "Um can I braid your hair?" He laughs and says "what?!" And I say "can I?" And smile and he says  "um alright" and I say "here" and Pat a spot on the floor Infront of me and he sits down. I start to section his hair in two to put them in double French braids. I start braiding and he just sits there peacefully and quietly and I say "can I play with your hair more often?" He laughs and says "anytime love" and I laugh and Finnish his hair, once it's Finnished i say "alright it's done!" And I squeal and he gets up and I say "look at me" and he does and he looks so adorable. "Awe babe you look so cute" he laughs and goes to the mirror and says "you should do my hair like this more often I like it" I squeal and say "of course I will!" He laughs and we lay back down on the couch and he says "I love you" I kiss his cheek and I say "I love you too" and I snuggle into his chest. And i fall asleep to him singing in my ear...


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