chapter 11

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"alright bye mom" I said about to walk out the door but then she said "wait issabelle come here" I sighed "yea mom" she tilted her head "why so moody?" I laugh "I'm sorry mom I'm just really tired" she makes an O shape with her mouth and says "oooh I'm sorry sweetie but I was asking if you wanted to come to dinner with me and your father maybe as a double date, you could maybe bring harry" I blush a deep shade of red cause she doesn't know about us. She sees my cheeks and has a smirk on her face "ooo does someone like a certain boy" I blush and say "more like is someone dating a certain boy" she looked confused but then she comprehended what I said "awe my baby has a boyfriend" I look down "mooooooom" she laughs and says "so who made the first move" I raised my hand "well technically me" she has a smile on her face and says "really? What did you say" I blush and look down "i-i kinda confessed my love for him then he kissed me and then he confessed his love for me and then ask me to be his girlfriend" she had her face in awe "sweetie that's adorable" I blush and say "he's amazing" she hugs me and says "I'm so happy for you sweetie but will you go to dinner with us?" I nod and say "if harry agrees then sure I'll go" she smiled "great now shoo off to school" I smile and say "I love you mom" while walking out the door and I here her say "I love you too sweetie" I was about to walk to school until I heard a beep and I saw harry wait why is harry here? "Um Harry why are you doing here?" He smiles "what a boyfriend can't pick up his beautiful girlfriend and give her a ride?" I blush and get in the car. "Thanks Harry" he looks at me "no problem love" then grabs my face gently and pulls me in for a kiss, what a great way to start the morning I thought. He pulls back and I pout missing his lips on mine, then he kissed my pouty lips and I giggle. He starts to drive to school, half way into the ride I feel harry intertwine our hands and set them on his lap. I smile to myself and we arrive to school. Harry opens the door for me and says "alright princess time to go" I blush and get out of the car. I intertwine our hands when we start walking then Harry says "babe why do you always blush? Not that it's a bad thing just curious" I look down and say "well harry you say really cute things and you are just the sweetest guy and you treat me like I'm some princess and I'm not used to it so when you do it i get embarrassed but in a good way and my cheeks turn red" he has an awe look on his face "babe I only treat you like a princess because that is what you are, you deserve to be treated nicely and you deserve to be told you look beautiful all the time" I blush and hide my face and say "thank you Harry" he pulls me in for a hug and looks me in the eyes and says "I love you princess" I smile "I love you too harry" and he kisses me and we walk to my locker and I see Louis and Rachelle making out beside my locker. I never knew Rachelle was like this,Me and harry walk up to my locker and see them and look at each other with red faces cause we've never kissed like that. It was obvious they were using tongue. On your own cool, in school gross. I cough and Louis pulls away and hugs me "morning Issy, morning harry" I smile "hi Lou, hi Rachelle" and open my locker up. When I close it I see Louis talking with harry and Rachelle looking at the ground innocently "hi Rachelle" I say in a singy song voice. She laughs "hi issabelle" I smile at her and say "you and Louis looked like you were having fun" I emphasized the word fun. She laughs and says "well he's wild" I give her a confused look and she says "when he wants something he gets it" my eyes go wide thinking about something imperticular. Then she says "nothing like that I'm saying like if he wants to kiss me he will or if he wants to take me somewhere he will" I let out a breathe of relief "thank gosh I thought he wasn't giving you a choice about everything" she laughed "no Louis is the most sweetest guy ever he won't pressure me into doing anything he actually hasn't even brought it up yet" I saw her smile and she says "so what about you and Harry" I told her "we are nothing like you guys we never even kissed like how you guys were" she laughs and I say "Harry's a sweet caring guy and he would never do anything to hurt me" she smiled then it drops and says "don't speak to soon" I give her a confused look and I see the head cheerleader talking to my boyfriend. I walk close so they don't recognize my presence but I can still hear and he says "I'm sorry Lola but I don't fancy going to your party I actually rather stay with issabelle" I smile and I see he touch his chest and say "but why harry we could have alot of fun" she winked at him and I almost threw up. He removed her hands and said "sorry love but I rather spend my time with my girlfriend" she sighs and says "your choice but the offer still stands" and she walks away. He rolls his eyes and I smile to myself knowing he just picked me over a hot, skinny cheerleader. "Hi beautiful" he says "ready for class" I smile and nod and as we are walking I thought it would be a good time to ask him about dinner. "Harry?" He looks down at me "yea princess" I blush and say "my um parents invited you to go to dinner with us like on a double date but if you don't want to go I understand you don't have to" he laughs "I would love to go" I smile and say "great" and I walk to class thinking about how lucky I am to have Harry Edward Styles......


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