chapter 14

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"honey wake up it's time for school" my mom yelled "ugh" I groan but still get up, I dress in my usual atire: dress shirt, skinny jeans and a ponytail. I put my glasses on and I walk out the door, some people wonder why I dress so differently in and outside of school, well I'm like the different people in an outside of school. I get in my car and I drive to school, once I arrive I walk into school and walk to my locker. What a peaceful day. I spoke to soon, "why did you do that" Logan and Dan knocked my books down. They laughed and said "awe is Issy scared" I shake my head "n-no w-why would I b-be" they laughed even louder and said "I know this good girl image is all an act so why don't you show me the bad side baby girl" I shake my head and say "no" he pushes me against the lockers "ow!" I yelled. He was about to slam me again until I heard "hey! Put her down or you'll be dead if you don't" he dropped me on the floor and I whimpered. I try to get up but I can't it just hurts to much, "Issy!" Harry yelled and ran closer to me, I smile and say "I'm fine Harry" tears whelling up in my eyes from the pain. "No babe you aren't and I'm so sorry I should've been with you GOSH IM SUCH AN IDIOT" I look up at him and he's crying "h-harry why are you crying" he lets a rear run down his face and says "because I just watched the love of my life get hurt and I couldn't stop it" he lets out a loud sob and I pull him close "harry babe it's not your fault they hate me alright it's a them problem if they do and you can't do anything to change their minds" he nods and sniffles "I know but when I see you getting hurt it breaks my heart" he lets out another loud sob and I start crying more web say "i-i know harry and I'm sorry but it's just how it is" harry carefully pulled me closer and sat me on his lap "I wish it wasn't" I say "I know harry" and we both fall asleep in the hallway until we get woken up by the bell and Logan and Dan standing there watching us. "Awe how cute the bad boy and the little nerd" and they both laugh. Harry carefully removes me from his lap and says "if you know what's good for you, you will leave her alone" Logan and Dan laugh "we aren't scared of you, we just wanna see issabelle's bad girl side" with a smirk and Harry says "well too bad only I get to see that so mine as well not try" my cheeks heat up, did he just say what I think he did? "Awe come on harry we both know that she isn't yours and she has a whole new issabelle under that good girl act and I wanna see it" hate laughs and says "oh she isn't mine?" Logan shakes his head "then who's name was she calling last night? Mine" WHAT DID HE JUST SAY! "so Logan I'm pretty sure issabelle belongs to me" my face is beyond red and Logan and Dan's jaw is dropped and harry had a cheeky smirk on his face, what the heck. "Wow I didn't know you had that side of you issy, that just makes me wanna see it more" he said with a smirk. "Well sorry mate she's mine" Logan walked away while saying "not for long" my cheeks still red and my jaw still dropped "i-isyy are um you okay?" I just nod my head and then I say "so who's name was I screaming harry?" With a hint of annoyance in my voice and Harry's cheeks blushed and said "it's the only thing I could think of" I laugh and kiss him and say "well I'm glad it was yours and no one elses" he laughed and kissed me and I tried to stand up but I couldn't "ow harry my muscles hurt and it hurts to stand up" he get angry "I'm gonna kill him" I calm harry down and say "babe it's okay he isn't worth it alright...I'm yours remember" with a smirk and he laughs and says "fine but let's just get you to the nurse" I pout and lift my arms up and he laughs at me and he carries me bridal style to the nurse, me and tell nurse have always been close she is like my other Bestfriend. "Um nurse willow" harry says while she walks into the room. "Yes oh lord issabelle what happened" harry sets me down carefully on the bed and I weakly say "hi willow" she smiled and says "hi love, what happened" and I said "can we keep it between me and you I don't want any teachers or principal's to get involved" she hesatentally nods and I say "well Logan and Dan knocked my books down then Logan slammed me against the lockers really hard" I could see harry getting really angry "love that's horrible you should really tell someone but I understand and I'll keep my word but let's get you some ice" I nod and say "thank you" she says "you're welcome and harry darling you can stay in here for the rest of the day I'll just let your teachers know" we both said "thank you" and I can see harry is still angry so I kiss him and he becomes less tense and I say "harry please don't let it bother you I hate seeing you like this" he stood up angerly and Said "and you think I like seeing you like this? All hurt and helpless because I wasn't there to protect you? Some boyfriend I am" he mutters the last part and I yell, thankfully the door is closed "I don't care that this happened to me alright! Now I need you to shut up about it and carry on with life alright it's done and don't you ever say you are a terrible boyfriend harry! A terrible boyfriend wouldn't be worrying about me like you are and I appreciate it but I need you to shut up!" I Finnish yelling and I sigh and lay down and look at the ceiling. I look at harry and he has a shocked look on his face and his jaw is dropped. He goes to speak but nothing comes out and I look back at the ceiling and then back at harry and he has a smirk on his face and I said "what's with the smirk" he laughed and said "you just screamed my name" oh lord "really harry" I say laughing and he laughs and I kiss him and say "so I belong to you huh?" He nods and I say "will you still want me in the future?" He nods and says "I'll always want you issy" I smile and we just sit there talking for the rest of the day...Looks like I'm the one embarrassed again, but if it means I get to be with harry then I don't mind...


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