chapter 16

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(issabelle's pov)
It's been 3 days since and me and Harry's break and I've been lost without him, I sit on my bed listening to sad music and I haven't talked to my parents or anyone for that matter in 3 days, not even harry..I'm so lost without my harry. I lay down and I just lay there and close my eyes and I listen to my music until I start thinking about harry and I start crying loudly and I can't stop, the tears just keep flowing out and I can't stop. I cry for a few minutes until my door swings open and crying harry walks in and hugs me and I hug him back and he says "love why are you crying?" I let out a loud sob and said "because I miss you Harry" he pulls me close to him and says "I miss you too baby, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that. Even though it's only been 4 days I've been lost and a crying mess without you baby" I hold on to harry and say "me too" he lays us down on my bed and he brings me closer to him and we cuddle and he says "can the break be over, I miss you too much" I nod and say "I wanted to end it but I thought you stopped loving me" he kisses my forehead and says "I thought you stopped loving me too" I kiss him and it feels amazing to know what his lips feel like against mine again. I pull back and say "I could never stop loving you Harry" he kisses me "and I could never stop loving you" I lay my head on his chest and we fall asleep, once we wake up I flutter my eyes open to see harry looking at me "good afternoon princess" I smile "good afternoon handsome" he kisses me and I pull back and say I gotta use the restroom, I get up and go and then I look down and see blood. I started my period, my cramps start to kick in seconds later and I do my business and I walk back into my bedroom holding my stomach and harry says "what's wrong babe?!" I lay down and say "nothing" cause it's embarrassing. "Babe it isn't nothing you are obviously in pain what's wrong?" I look down and mumble "I'm on m...." And he says "what?" And I still look down and say "I just started my period and my cramps are kicking in" I was waiting for him to say 'ew' and push me away but he didn't, he actually brought me closer and said "awe I'm sorry babe" I give him a confused look and say "I thought you were gonna call me discusting and leave" I gives me a confused face now and he said "babe why would I do that it's not your fault that you have a period it's just a part of life" I smile and say "thanks for understanding harry" he kisses me and says "no problem sweetie thing" we spend the day watching movies and later harry goes down stairs and it's been over 10 minutes but then he comes back and he brought me my favorite sandwich, my favorite drink and some ibeprofen  and I smile at him and say thank you so much harry and he just smiles and says "it's not fair that you have to feel like death for 7 days each month so you should get pampered" I smile again "harry you don't have to do that" he comes and lays with me and says "but I want to baby" I just roll my eyes and est my sandwich and take my medicine. "Harry you are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for" harry kisses me and says "well I mean I am pretty great" I roll my eyes and say "harry wanna play a game" with a smirk and he said "sure" and I blindfold him and bring him outside and I say "the game is running, you have to see how long it takes you to run from one place to another" and he said "okay" and then I said "1..2..3 RUN" and he runs as fast as he can and falls straight into the pool and I start laughing so hard and he swims up and takes the blindfold off and says "what in the world was that for?" I laugh and say "that was for throwing me in the pool last time" and gets out and says "babe why don't you come give me a hug" I shake my head before he chases my in the house and up to my room and he shakes his long wet hair and he gets water all over me and I say "harry!" And he laughs and I notice I have a white shirt on and it's wet and I cover myself and run straight to the bedroom and grab a old shirt and throw it on and I walk back out and harry says "why did you change?" And I said "um because I had a white shirt on and you got it all wet so harry it was kind of see through" and he laughs and I laugh with him and we lay back down abd continue watching movies until it's dark and it's a Friday night and harry gets up and I say "can you stay harry please?" He sighs "let me call my mum" and I throw my hands up and tell like a 5 year old "yay!" He just laughs at me and calls his mum and he comes back and gets back into bed and says "my mom said I could stay" I jump on top of him and tell "yay!" He just laughs at me and then flips us over so I'm on the bottom and he's on top of me, then all of a sudden he starts tickling me and he won't stop. "H-harry p-please stop" i say while laughing." He keeps tickling me and says "sorry babe I can't" I keep laughing but manage to get out "w-why n-not" he laughs and says "because someone wanted to trick me into running straight in the pool" o couldn't stop laughing "I-im sorry please!" He stops tickling me and says "only because you said please" I lay there and try to catch my breathe and he laughs at me so I jump on top of him and start tickling him. "I-issy p-please s-stop" he says while laughing and I say "hmm why should I this is fun" he keeps laughing but him being stronger than me he flips us so now he's on top of me and he says "sorry I'm just stronger babe" while catching his breathe. I pout and he leans in amd flickers his eyes to my lips back to my eyes then back to my lips and leans in and kisses me and he pulls back and I say "oh my gosh" he gives me a confused look and I say "when you do that thing like you look at my eyes then my lips then my eyes then back at my lips and kiss me it's just full of suspence and it just drives me crazy" he laughs and says "well good" and does it again and kisses me, this boy I swear. I pull back and say "we are graduating next Tuesday are you ready?" He looks down and says "I don't really know issabelle but I will know if you answer a couple questions for me?" I nod my head and say "of course Harry" and he says "do you love me Isabelle, like really love me?" I nod my head and say "yes I love you Harry, more than you'll ever know" he smiled and says "would you want to get a house and live with me, us together" living together Is a big step but if it's with harry then I'm ready "yes harry I would" he smiles again and says "would you want to get married?" I think about this, married to Harry styles my hot Bestfriend, yes please "yes I would love to get married to you harry" he smiles but then it drops and he says "this is a big question for me alright, I mean it might not be for you but it is for me" I nod and he says "w-would you want to start a family with me? Us married and have a kid or two and raise them and live together forever, and when we are married or even love together we are gonna have fights I assure you but I promise I will never leave or hurt you in any way so would you want to start a family and be with me forever?" I wipe a tear and he says "w-why are you crying" and I say "I'm crying because I would love to do that harry, I would love to start a family with you and be with you forever and I know we are gonna get in fights but I promise I would hurt you or leave either I love you too much to leave harry, so yes I want to start a family and be with you forever" I smiled widely and says "yes" and I say "yes what?" He says "yes I'm ready for graduation" he pulls me on top of him and kisses me and he says "hmm issabelle styles..I like it" I laugh and say "I like it too" he laughs and we just spend the rest of the night talking about a future together..And if I had to be with anyone for the rest of my life I wouldn't choose anybody else....


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