chapter 12

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"I'm very nervous for Harry to see the dress I'm wearing" I say to my mom. "Sweetie he'll think you look beautiful" hopefully "I hope so" she gives me a reassuring smile. It's almost time to leave and my mom and dad are waiting to go and I hear a nock at the door and I open it and Harry quickly says "sorry I'm late babe I had to get gas and i-" he stopped when he saw me and he says "wow Issy you look amazing" I blush and I look at my mom and she gives me the "I told you so" face. We get in then car and me and harry sit in the back. Harry has his arm around my waist and my head laying on his shoulder. Then Harry whispers Something in my ear "babe you look amazingly beautiful" I blush and whisper "thank you you look very handsome" he lifts my chin up and and his eyes flicker from my eyes back to my lips and whenever he does this I get this sort of nice butterfly feeling. And he leans in and kissed me. "I love you" he says against my lips. "I love you more" I say back and he smiles and kisses me again. Once we arrive I see this nice Italian restaurant and it's very beautiful. Harry gets out and opens my door for me and I thank him, he intertwines our hands and we walk into the restaurant. I see harry look over at my parents and they are laughing and he kisses her and it's just adorable. He looks down at me with a smile and says "that's gonna be us in a couple years, married and living together in a house. Have a kid" he looks at me "maybe 2" and we laugh and he says "and most importantly I will never loose the love I have for you and I hope you don't loose your love for me cause you are the best person I could ever ask for" I wipe my eyes trying to not mess up my makeup and he has worry on his face and says "babe what's wrong is it something I said" I laugh and say "no Harry, it's just that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me in my whole life. You actually see a future for us and it's so exiting because after highschool and we get a flat together I'll be able to spend all my days and nights with you and I'm really looking forward to it" he kisses me and says "I love you so so much and don't ever forget that alright" I nod "alright" he smiles and we take our seats. he never let go of my hand, they were still intertwined and I loved the feeling. We order our food and we sit in silence until my dad speaks up and asks harry some questions "so harry apparently you love my daughter" he laughs and harry smiles and looks at me "I do" it's cute until my dad says "I don't know why because she is a handful" I gasp while him and harry laugh and I look at my mother and she's laughing as well and I sit there with a frown on my face and harry says "awe babe don't look so sad" and makes my mouth into a smile and they laugh even harder and I started pouting. They all start to calm down and harry says "yes she's a handful but I can handle her, cause at the end of the day she's worth it" I hear my parents saying "awe" I blush and harry kisses me of guard and I melt into the kiss, Harry's kisses were always sweet and caring. I hear my parents saying "awe" again and we pull back. I blush even harder and my dad says "she really loves you Harry" harry smiles and then my dad says "she never stops talking about you" I go wide eyed knowing that my dad just exposed me I blush and hide my face and I hear harry say "awe babe I didn't know you talk about me" I hear my mom say "she talks about you all the time about how great looking you are and how she loves your hair and tattoos" I jerk my head up and say "mom!" She laughs and says "oh sorry honey" I groan and put my head back in my hands. Soon harry removes my hands and says "babe there's no need to be embarrassed I actually think it's really cute that you talk about me" I sigh "not it's not you probably think I'm weird" he laughs and says "no I don't I promise and you know I don't break promises. I actually talk about you to my parents and Friends also I mean look at you,you're beautiful how can I not brag" I laugh and say "thank you" he laughs and kisses me and my mom says "you guys are alot like me and your father when we were your age, we were Bestfriends and we were always there for each other and one day I got to do the greatest thing in the world" I give her a confused look and say "what's that mom" she looks at my dad and says "I got to marry my Bestfriend" he kisses her and says "and I got to marry mine" me and harry look at each other and harry says "well in the future when I ask Issy to marry me I hope she says yes so I can marry mine" my parents let out another "awe" gosh they sound like teenage girls. But it was hard to stop myself from saying awe as well. I kiss harry and he smiles into the kiss, I pull back and I say "I can't wait until you ask me so I can marry mine as well" he stares into my eyes and our food came. We eat our food and we get back into the car and drive back to my house. Once we arrive it's 12:32 a.m and harry fell asleep on my shoulder, gosh he looks so peacefully beautiful. I shake him lightly and he slowly flutters open his eyes and I say "we're home haz" he smiles and suddenly pulls me on his lap and says "you know you're the best girlfriend any guy could as for" I smile and curl up into his lap and he wraps his arms around me and we suddenly drift off to sleep. A couple minutes later we soon we get woken up by my parents saying "Issy,harry wake up" I groan and I try to get up but harry pulls me back down. "Harry babe get up we need to go inside its cold out here" he opens his eyes and yawns but nods and my mom says "harry darling I called your mom and she said you can stay over because Its not safe driving this late at night" he nods and says "thank you Mrs.grey" she smiles and says "no problem sweetie, alright you two get to bed" we walk inside and we start to walk up to my room and my dad said "goodnight Issy, goodnight harry...Use protection!" I yawn and say "dad!" harry and my dad laugh and harry says "goodnight Mr.grey" Me and Harry finally get up to my room and I go to my dad's room and get a pair of his basketball shorts and a t-shirt to give to harry and Harry says a "thank you" and walks into the bathroom. After we change we get into my bed and harry says "thank you issy for inviting me, it really means alot and I had alot of fun" I smile and say "of course Harry and I'm glad you had fun even though all you guys did was make fun of me and embarrass me" he laughs "well I'm sorry baby is there any way I can make it up to you?" I smile and say "can I have a kiss?" He laughs and kisses me and says "you can have all the kisses you want" I smile and say "yay!" And I kiss him. Once we pull back he brings me closer and I snuggle up to his chest and I say "goodnight haz" and he says "goodnight princess" and I drift off to sleep...


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