If you can translate this, you deserve an award.

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"D'n't l'st'n t' h'm, w'r f'm'ly; D'nm'rk's th' 'nn'y'ng 'ncl', 'C'l'nd's th' sc'th'ng b't c'n b' n'c' 'n', N'rw'y's th' q't b't pr'tty sm'rt 'n'. M' 'an T'n' 's y'r p'r'nts." Berwald said. "'Nd 'f y' 'v'r w'nn."

If you can translate this I will literally dedicate a chapter in this book to you

UPDATE: (as of 28/02/2017) if you guess the phrase im sorry but i wont make a chapter for you because others have guessed it already sORRY

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