Wait, if Ruby sees me floating she gonna ask about more then my ears and tai- "(Y/N)." I hear a familiar cheerful voice say. I lose my focus and almost drop to the ground. I managed to grab onto a tree branch.

"Oh Oum, I almost died," I say to myself, pulling myself up onto the tree branch.

I float over to Ruby's window since she already knows I can fly now. When I see her I decide to be a bit more playful. I tackle her through the window. We both laugh as we roll around on the floor. I look around and notice the unstable bunk beds. "So who else is here?" I ask quietly. "Oh yeah, shh my teammates are sleeping." She says in a whisper.

"I'm pretty sure we already messed up on that... how about we leave so we don't have to whisper?" I say helping her off the floor. She nods and I sit on the windowsill. I motion for to come next to me.

"Are you sure about this?" Ruby asks.

"You just saw me do it," I say confidently.

"I just saw you fall."

"Shut up," I say pushing her out the window and jumping out after her. I grab her wrist and start to float pulling Ruby up to me.

"Oh little rose, you can open your eyes," I say mockingly.

She looks up at me and I notice a slight blush. I then float us both down to ground. "Why do you call me that?" Ruby asks.

"What? Little rose?" I ask to which she nod, I shrug. "I like the sound of it, if you don't like it I'll just call you Ruby," I tell her.

"No it's ok, I just wanted to know why," She says.

We then walk around Vale for awhile until a friend of mine calls me out.

"(Y/N)!" I hear the familiar voice yell. It's an old, old friend that I haven't seen in years.

"Jax is that you?" I question turning to face him.

"The one and only," He says hugging me. I return the hug before he backs away.

"It's good to see you again. It's been like 8 years now,"

"I know and look at you wearing a fancy black suit," I say back.

"Oh, yeah forgot I had this stupid thing on. Actually, I'm heading to my restaurant right now, would you like to come with?" He asks.

"You know I'd love to, but while you're out here making money, I'm still as poor as ever," I tell him.

"Don't worry about it, but I do know how you work so instead of paying me how about you do me a favor instead?"

"That'd be fine, but I got a plus one here," I say pointing to Ruby. She gives a shy smile and waves at Jax to which he waves back.

"That's fine her meals on me so let's go." He says leading us to a restaurant.

"So he's your friend?" Ruby whispers to me as we walk.

"Yeah, what I lack in money I make up for in friends," I whisper back.

"Here we are!" Jax announces.

Ice Cream Cat (Neko reader X Neo) Where stories live. Discover now