Rowan leaned against the door frame. "No, they have not found anything. I sent a party of three and one came back. They were ambushed at the gates of the castle. We think it is the work of sorcery. There is no way of telling if the two scouts are alive or deceased. The one who survived is being kept in Helga's care. It seems as if their infamous sorcerer has done something to his mind."

Who are they speaking of? "What kingdom do you two speak of?" I asked watching both of them now glare at me. I am aware I should keep my mouth shut, but this is very interesting to me.

"The kingdom of leeches," Sirus spat.

I nodded slowly. "The the King the same age as king Loche?" If I remembered correctly King Loche was fairly young. Maybe he was a young ruler who just needed to be put in his place.

"No, Esmerelda."

"Has he found his wife he has been searching for?"

"Esmeralda they are the enemy!" Sirus snapped. "I do not know anything nor do I care to know about him and his bride. If I knew who she was I would murder her in an instant."

Well...there must be an inconceivable amount of hatred towards the two kingdoms if the vampyr are banning together with James and my kingdom against Sirus's kingdom. I wonder why they hate one another so? "Why do you despise him so much?" He could not be that bad if James was willing to partner with him... or maybe he was. Maybe his anger was so strong for Sirus and the lycans he decided to join forces with the most evil of them all....

Sirus shook his head. "He is a different breed, Esmeralda. You suppose that I am truly the devil. He is worse and more. At least I show remorse for my actions. Very few," he added in.

I looked to Rowan. Sometime Sirus a bit dramatic. Rowan was nodding his head. Agreeing with Sirus. Maybe he was right..but what could he have done that was so horrible?

"Well you two are afraid of him that is why you are requesting an alliance with King Loche?" I had to hide my smile as both of them looked at me as if just called them women and asked where their stockings had gone.

"I am not-"

"-We are not afraid of a bloodsucking leech who uses magic and not weapons. He is a sham of a king," Rowan snapped.

"He has not bathed in blood as we have. He has not earned his title as King. He has sat on the sidelines casting spells," Sirus fumed. "Yes he may be strong but he is still a coward."

So, James was dealing with a sorcerer. I wonder if he knows? "Well gentleman, I would absolutely adore to see you two fighting but I must rest and please if you see any maids tell them I need some cheese and bread up to my room after sundown."

"She has been eating much lately," Sirus told Rowan while he began to chuckle. I was getting ready to turn around before they both began to laugh. "It is to be expected of her. A child does something to women I hear. She grabbed the bread from my plate the other day and devoured it...but of course I said nothing."

"I cannot imagine taking food from Chelsea now...or when she is pregnant. I would not even think of it." They both began to laugh.

I was not always eating! Shaking my head I began to walk towards my room. At least the two imbeciles were speaking with one another.

Queen of the Beasts✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora