"Because I didn't make an appointment beforehand, yes. Sorry about that." Dahyun finished. "Actually, I went here to give the papers needed." She placed the manila folder at the top of Sana's table and pushed it carefully toward the girl, not looking away but straight to Sana's eyes.

"Ah, of course." Sana took the paper and was about to open it but Dahyun told her to just read it after they eat lunch.

"It's lunch time, Ms. Minatozaki." Dahyun tapped her wristwatch with her index finger. "We can eat lunch together. If you don't mind, that is."

"Of course I don't." Sana answered almost immediately. She didn't want to offend Dahyun by declining the offer. After all, it was an effort to rode over there company. She expected Dahyun was too busy person to just drop by a paper.

They decided to have lunch at the nearest restaurant around the place. They both agreed with Italian restaurant as Dahyun's request.

"The foods here are absolutely amazing!" Dahyun declared once they started eating.

Sana nodded in agreement. "It's rare for me to eat Italian foods from a restaurant. I'm more fond of grandpa's Italian dishes but well, these is good." She commented.

Dahyun drank the wine before speaking again. "So, how's Mr. Minatozaki so far?"

"He might be too old by his age but he's still strong. Thank you for asking, Ms. Kim."



"Just call me Dahyun. This is not business related, anyway. Just two friends having meal." She held the glass of wine and drank it in a nice manner, observing Sana's reaction.

Sana shrugged. "Then call me Sana too to be fair."

"So Sana, do you live with Mr. Minatozaki?" Asked Dahyun. She was curious if the girl still living with her grandfather.

"Before, yes. But now I have my own condo unit. I thought it'd be the best for me to live independently." Sana smiled.

"You live alone?"

Sana thought about Tzuyu. "I have someone to accompany me."

"I see." Dahyun nodded, slicing her meat.

"How about you, Dahyun?" Sana lowered her voice when she pronounced Dahyun's name. It was just, she wasn't fond of calling her business partners by name. Dahyun noticed this and just grinned.

"Same goes here. I bought myself a house." She answered just like that. Didn't want to go further about the topic.

Thankfully Sana didn't push more. "I'm also planning to buy a house but I'll save that for the future." She winked playfully. Sana wasn't this friendly and easy to warm up with new people. In fact, she wasn't friendly at all but something with Dahyun made the mood calm and comfortable. Just like Tzuyu.

"Hmm~ are you seeing someone now, Sana?" Dahyun teased.

"No. I'm too busy to date, you know." Sana said, didn't notice the big smile coming from Dahyun. She asked the same question.

"Just like what you've said, too busy to date."

"But you're beautiful. It's too hard for me to believe you aren't dating someone." Sana said, still busy with her food to notice the blushing Dahyun.

'Thanks. Same to you, Sana. But then look, you also aren't dating someone."

They both laughed by that. The lunch went well and they asked random questions about stuffs. Sana who was just enjoying the moment to know more about Dahyun whilst Dahyun whose heart was dancing out of joy.

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