Overworld Chapter 34 - Grim's Vale

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            …as they raced across Hyrule Field. Endeavor seemed like she was ready to be back in action, as she was pushing Quicksilver and Epona a little harder than she should have.

            Epona came to a stand still. Link slid, more like launched, forward, holding on tighting so that he wouldn’t be thrown from his saddle. Link leaned back, patting Epona on the side as the mare snorted with discontent.

            Endeavor turned Quicksilver about. “What is wrong?”

            “You’re asking her to go too fast,” Link answered. Quicksilver tossed his head in agreement, pulling the reins from Endeavor’s hands.

            Picking her reins back up, Endeavor nodded. “Very well then. At a slower pace?” Epona threw her head, before cantering passed Endeavor and Quicksilver. Link held onto the reins as the horse acted on her own.

            Without any more stops, they reached the outskirts of the marsh in a few hours. The moon hung high above them, though its silver light did little to light up the faded path that twisted through the marsh. The brown-green plants almost consumed the road itself. If it weren’t for the sunken stones still peaking out from the soggy soil, they would have never found the path.

            Endeavor took the lead. She said, “Stay close. These waters are not forgiving. Leave the path and you may never find it again.” She turned back towards the road.

            Epona flicked her tail, keeping up with Endeavor and Quicksilver. After a while, Link asked, “You called these marshes accused. Why is that?”

            “The twili may be allies to the king, and citizens of the kingdom, but they still do not trust outsiders,” Endeavor answered. “Much less large armies than they can not stop. If an army must march in a row of one, it is much easier to pick off.”

            “That doesn’t tell me why the marshes are cursed,” Link replied.

            Turning back over her shoulder, Endeavor stated, “It is because the twili cursed them to be that way. And only the twili are not affected by that curse. The magic in these waters would send you into the place between our world and what was theirs. And unless a twili finds you, or luck blesses you, you will not escape.”

            With that, she turned back in her saddle. “Grim’s Vale is miles away, though I doubt you would like to stop now.”

            “No,” Link answered, looking cautiously at the water.

            “Do not stare for long, Link,” Endeavor said. “You may not like what you find beneath the surface. There are reasons I know of the militant history of these waters.”

            As they walked, Link thought he saw the reflection of a face in the water. He quickly looked away, a chill running down his spine. He wished he had listened sooner.

            The road twisted in and out of the marsh, leaving Link disoriented and confused about their surroundings. He tried to look up at the stars to give him some guidance, but a thick layer of clouds had rolled in. Thunder clapped behind them, and Link wished he had Endeavor’s cloak.

            Epona lowered her head as the overcast caught up with them. Rain began to pour down. The ground started to grab at them as the already soggy dirt turned to mud. Epona snorted, splashing herself in the face several times.

            Soaking wet himself, Link just pat the mare on her side and said, “I’ll give you a proper wash when we get to Grim’s Vale.”

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