Boss 2 - Fiery Phantom Gor Garion

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  • Dedicated to Erica D. Klein

            …and into the room beyond. Heat came up from below the metal grate floor that covered the gap over the heart of the volcano. Huge rounded spires were carved out if the side of the room from where lava had carved away at the sides, and where gorons had climbed to build in the second grate above them.

            Link walked out into the center of the grate where Groko was standing. Link looked at the rocky shelly of a goron on the floor in front of them. Groko muttered, “That was the last Big Boss, brother. Gor Garion.”

            Not knowing how to console a goron, Link pat the rock giant on the back. The goron returned the gesture by patting Link on the back, slamming Link's sword and shield against his back. Link took a step to the side, smiling up at the goron, but trying to avoid any more affection.

            Endeavor said, “I am sorry for you, Groko, but there is something in here that must be dealt with.”

            “Always so serious, Endeavor.”

            There was a loud clash as Endeavor’s sword hit something metal, before falling back down to Endeavor’s hand. Link didn't have time to see the action that sent it flying in the first place, Endeavor had been so quick in acting. Zeal lowered her own slim saber as Endeavor's blade fell, saying, “How crass. I haven’t even attacked you yet.”

            “Better to stop you before you can,” Endeavor retorted, squeezing her hilt so hard that her knuckles turned white.

            “What would be the fun in that?” Zeal asked, walked across the air above them. She suddenly vanished. Her voice whispered in Link’s ear, making him jump as she appeared behind him. “What do you think? Think we should have a little fun, don't you?”

            Link reached back from his own sword. Zeal crossed her arms, and shook her head. “If you want it to be like that, then we will. But I don't see what your rush is.”

            She vanished again, before reappearing above them once more in the spires. “How about you have your fun then.” She snapped her fingers, the noise echoing a little, before vanishing behind the spire she was standing on.

            There was a rumbling beneath them. Groko looked at them. “She’s going to blow! Get off the grate!”

            Link and Endeavor made a dash to the wall as the volcano suddenly came alive. Groko waded out of the lava to them. Endeavor asked, “How long is this going to last?”

            Just then, the lava began to fall again. But the lava falling was hardly a good sign. When the lava had fallen passed the grate above them, there was a terrible roar from within the hot magma. Once the lava suck below the grate in front of them, Link was able to see what it was that had made the noise.

Above them was a lava goron, twice the size of Groko, and still a good deal larger than Darius, armored with the rock shards that had been on the floor moments ago. The beast bellowed at them, boulders crashing down above at the noise.

            Inside the molten red form was a red gem with three roving eyes around it. When the mouth of the lava goron opened, one could be seen peeking out to direct its volcanic shield, before retreating back into its shelter.

            Link drew his sword as a final laugh from Zeal echoed through the sealing chamber. He stared up at the hulking shape, trying to find a weakness on the creature.

            It had to be eyes, Link decided. The heated nature of the thing meant that if Link managed to get a bomb into it, it would probably explode soon after. It was just a matter of whether or not the eyes were immune to explosions or not. He decided not. Groko was immune to lava, but he had avoided Link’s bombs when they went off.

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