37. "They're hot, but don't have too many brain cells."

Start from the beginning

"Bethany," Cage spoke, almost irritated. "What I do and who I date is my choice. I don't have to publicize it to everyone. It's my business, not yours."

She narrowed her eyes at him, before they fell on me. "Really, Cage? Isn't that rich coming from you? As I recall, you were my date for prom last year and you told me that everything you had was mine."

He stiffened. "I was different back then. Younger, and clearly more stupid."

Bethany scoffed, glancing at the blonde girl next to her. "Just wait till Maya gets a load of this."

Maya. There was that wretched name again. I glanced at Cage, curiously and I realized that he indeed, looked quite pissed off (which was a really attractive feature on him). "I don't get what your problem is. Tell Maya to leave me alone. I'm done with her, I've moved on."

The blonde next to Bethany smirked. "And she's your upgrade? Why would you ever go from a goddess like Maya to someone like..." She laughed scornfully at me. "Someone like that?"

Okay, enough was enough. I wasn't going to stand here and watch these girls get their way any longer. Hold up, losers, Kirstin's here to slay the day.

"Okay, you know what," I stepped away from Cage and towards them, crossing my hands across my chest with a scowl on my face. "I'm sick of this crap you've been spouting from your heavily done lipstick smothered mouths. It's Cage's life, not yours. Who he dates is beyond you, and clearly none of your concern. So I'd appreciate it if you kept your irrelevant comments that make zero difference to us to yourself."

Tanner came up behind us, letting out a hoot. "Damn, baby! You heard her, guys. Now leave my pals alone!"

Bethany looked extremely irritated and she scowled at Tanner. "Whatever."

Cage rolled his eyes, tugging at my arm and pulling me to the side where Tanner joined us- away from those annoying girls.

"Who were they?" I asked, and Tanner let out a laugh. "Maya's army. They're hot but they don't really have too many brain cells. They've been bothering Cage since sophomore year."

"You took the brunette to junior prom?" I raised my eyebrow at Cage and he sighed. "Maya and I broke up and I wanted revenge by going out with her best friend. It was dumb- I regret it."

Tanner glanced at Bethany before looking back at me. "Beth used to be really nice, until Maya corrupted her mind. Now, Bethany only cares about her manicure and the newest season of The Bachelor."

"I'm hearing so much about this Maya," I muttered. "But I barely even met her. For someone with so much power and control at school, shouldn't she be here?"

"Thank god she wasn't here today. If she saw that Cage brought you along, she'd have had a mental breakdown in front of everyone," Tanner retorted. "Not that you wouldn't be able to handle her Kit- you're the perfect answer to her psychotic mess."

Cage grinned a little at that, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "That was actually one of the reasons to why I was so into you. That feistiness inside you is so... hot."

I raised my eyebrows at that, super nonchalant but my heart did do a loopdeloop in my chest. Maybe I was going under a cardiac arrest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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