8. "Stalkerism is probably his religion."

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That freak didn't stop running until we reached the pond.

The whole time, I was being dragged behind him, screaming at him to NOT RUN SO FREAKING FAST.

He completely ignored me of course, which I'm pretty used to by now. His grip on my wrist didn't loosen until I could see the greenish waters of the pond, and until I could hear the loud squawking of the ducks.

He finally came to a halt, releasing my hand and I fell to my knees, panting. He smirked, leaning over to collect his breath, tilting his head to the side to look at me. I glared at him.

"...Didn't you... hear me?! I was... SCREAMING... at you to slow the eff down!" I gasped, too breathless to even speak properly.

His eyes flickered in amusement. "Nah, I think I didn't catch that."

I was too exhausted to reply, so I just stared out at the pond ahead of us. A family of ducks was swimming across, cooling down in the water on a very hot day.

"So, where's the bread?"

I look up at Cage, confused. "What?"

"What are we gonna feed the ducks if you don't have bread?" he asked me innocently. I waited... and waited before I shut my eyes, clenching my teeth. "Cage..."

He grinned. "Yeah?"

I rolled my eyes. "I hate you."

"No, you don't," he replied calmly. "You're crushing on me."

"Ugh! What is your problem?!" I groaned, running my hands through my hair, frustrated by his stupid, stubborn, narcissistic self. "Not every single girl in the world dies over you! I'm the living proof here!"

He just smirked wider. "Sure."

"Sure?! That's what you're gonna say? I hate you!" I hissed, making the scariest expression I could manage.

He stared blankly at my face- before he smiled, slight dimples appearing in his cheeks.

"...you're adorable," he finally said, with a victorious smirk. "You think you're so terrifying, but you're just plain cute."

"No, I'm not cute!" I protested angrily, putting my hands on my hips. "I can be scary! See?!"

If I wasn't five feet and six inches tall, and if he wasn't five feet ten inches tall, maybe you could have seen my desperate attempts of trying to scare him.

I made a face. "Can you like grow shorter? Or wait. I'll stand on that rock, so I can be taller than you. Yeah, that would work."

Cage laughed again, shaking his head at me in disbelief. "Man. You're such a weirdo."

"I'm not weird," I pouted."I'm one of a kind."

"I swear to god, Kit," he smirked. "You're so bipolar. Or you're on drugs. Either one of them."

"I'm not on drugs!" I punched him in the arm, biting my lip to stop myself from smiling. "You're just mean."

We both just stood there, him with his hands pushed into the pockets of his jeans, staring at the pond with a weird look on his face. I crossed my hands across my chest, staring at the ducks.

"Well, this is fun," I said sarcastically. "You have no bread, nor a sense of humor."

"Hey!" he objected but I continued talking. "Plus, you think I have a crush on you. While in reality... it's you who has a crush on me," I stuck my tongue out childishly.

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