18. "I'm such an idiot."

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Cage's POV

As I drove out of the parking lot, I knew that I was such an idiot.

What was I planning to do? Just drive away and leave her there with those stupid... ugh, I can't even find the perfect insult to define them. Or that one guy. What was his name, again? Carson? Casson? I don't know. He's a prick. 

You left her, Cage, a small voice reminded me. Anything could happen to her. It's very dangerous.

But she freaking slapped you, a louder voice screamed. She defended that... blondie dude. She chose him over you. He called her a... he called her horrible things and then she defended him. And worse, she humiliated you by asking you to apologize to him. 

My knuckles turned white as I held the steering wheel tighter. 

Where was I planning to go? Maybe I should just cool down and drive around the place a bit. And come back to pick her up later.

But anything could happen to her in that time.

I swore loudly, before turning the wheel harshly, the car tires screeching as it took a sudden turn. I was going back. 


The bell of the door jingled as I opened it, slowly peeking inside. Those boys had left, and I could see Kit, slumped over a table, her head in her arms. Her back was turned to me.Her locks of blonde hair was messier than usual, and by her body posture, I could tell that she was upset. And also very mad. But to be honest, she never looked prettier to me.

I approached her slowly, my heart beating fast.

I reached out, just about to pat her, when she sat up suddenly, startling me. She swirled around, slid out of the booth, grabbed me by the collar and shoved me into the wall. Ouch. My back hit the cold stone, my eyes wide as I stared at her furious face, blood-shot eyes and scowl. Whoah. She's been possessed!

"So you decided to come back, huh?" She snapped, her face inches away from mine.

I gulped, suddenly nervous. "I-I couldn't just leave you."

She glared at me, and I couldn't help but notice how green her eyes were. "You told Casson to stay away from me?" She asked, her hand still gripping the collar of my shirt.

Shit, so he tattle taled. Great.

"Yeah, I did," I retorted, suddenly annoyed. "Because he's a jerk."

She rolled her eyes, frustratedly. "Cage, you can't go around beating people up, you don't get it do you?"

I like the way she rolls her eyes.

What? Wait, what did my brain just think? I swear, I have no idea.

"I was jealous, Kit," I finally admitted, my cheeks heating up as I did. "I hated how you seemed to be so into him and the way he was checking you out so shamelessly and-"

And then suddenly, I saw a small smirk adorn her lips. She raised her eyebrows at me. "Jealous?"

I hated her for embarrassing me like this. I bit my lip, looking away.


The brunette waitress from earlier coughed, from behind the counter.

Kit let go of the collar of my shirt, much to my disappointment, and stepped away. She ran a hand through her messy hair and I slowly peeled myself away from the wall. "You were being really stupid, Cage."

"That's just because I think you're special. And amazing. I really like you."


Kit's POV

"You were being really stupid, Cage," I said, trying not to let my amusement show as I watched him bite his lip. He glanced at his shoes, almost shyly before glancing back at me again. 

"That's just because I think you're special. And amazing. I really like you."

His words didn't make much of an effect at first, though my heart picked up pace. I looked at him curiously, wondering what he meant by that when it hit me.


The intensity in his eyes as he slowly inhaled was a little too much. Was he really going to do this in the middle of a Burger King in Hawaii?

"You heard me."

I felt a pang in my chest. What does he mean?

Was he asking me out? In a really weird way? What?!

I've been asked out a lot before. And I've never lost my cool. But with Cage... it was like I couldn't even think straight. The horrid feeling of confusion, dilemma, panic, fear and annoyance rushed through me at once and my breathing felt heavy.

He hadn't even asked me out properly and I was reacting so much.

And the way he was looking at me... that's what made me go nuts. I reached over, grabbed my bag off the table and rushed out of the restaurant. I pushed open the door, and the sea breeze rushed into my face. I stumbled into the parking lot, to where the car was parked and yanked the handle of the car door. It wasn't opening. Obviously, the keys were with Cage.

The familiar beeping sound filled the air as the doors magically unlocked, and I turned to see Cage walking out of the restaurant, with a sigh, holding the car keys in his hand.

I turned away from him, my heart pounding. Don't come any close.

Oh my god, Kit, a voice in my head snapped at me. All he did was tell you he thinks you're cute. Stop overacting so much.

Why was I acting like such an idiot?

Maybe because you like him, the annoying voice smirked.

Shut up.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. I heard his footsteps come closer before stopping.

"Kit, I was just being truthful."

"Cage, I-"

"I didn't want to do this in a parking lot, but I don't think I can handle this any longer. I really like you, Kirstin, and I want you."

His voice, eyes, face all were extremely intense, his blue eyes sparkling with nervousness and hope. His hair was swept to one side because of the wind, his hands playing with the collar of his shirt, a habit he has when he's nervous. 

"So... is it a yes or a no?"

I stared at him. "What do you mean by that?" I snapped, harsher than I wanted to.

He looked taken back. "I thought it was pretty obvious by now. Do you... like me back?"

I don't know.

"No," my voice shook. "I don't."

You liar, Kit.

For one split second, he looked crushed with disappointment and hurt- but he recovered pretty damn quickly. He stared at me. "Okay. The preceding conversation never happened."

"Okay," I mumbled, pulling the sleeve of my sweater down to cover my fingers. He silently opened the car door for himself and slid into the drivers seat.

What are you doing, Kit? 

All I know is that I cannot fall for Cage Alexander Loren. I'm not going to let myself fall.


lol hey guys

don't kill me pliz

but i know you all looooved this chapter XD




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