37. "They're hot, but don't have too many brain cells."

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A/N:- Hey guys. I'm super sorry about how long it's taking me to update this book. I started this book as a naive thirteen year old in the May of 2015, and it's the May of 2017. Wow. Also, my life has been crazy recently. I moved to New Jersey and we're still setting up everything here. So that's why it took me so long to update. I don't want to give up on Love Happens because we came so far with it. Are you guys ready to finish it together?

While Cage and his teammates hit the showers and changed out of sweaty clothes into something a little more hygienic, I was waiting for him along with the rest of his fangirls out on the field. It felt strange, standing at another high school, surrounded by nobody you knew, so I stood to the side, scrolling through my phone while everybody talked exitedly amongst themselves about some party.

Gabby left, but that was only because Jason came back to pick her up. "You came here to support your boyfriend, Kit," she told me before she left. "So don't look at me all betrayed like that cause I'm leaving. I'm doing you a favor by giving you some alone time with your boyfriend."

"Okay, okay," I rolled my eyes at her, my cheeks sorta warm from her overmentioning Cage (I had a boyfriend!!!). Call me cheesy but it still was taking me time to process that Cage Alexander Loren was mine. I don't know where it adds up, but I'm glad it does.

I leaned against the bleachers, texting Mom because my mother was so entertaining to text. Here's how today's conversation with her went. 

Mom: did cage's team win???
Me: yessssssss.
Mom: when will u b home?
Me: IDK, but before the curfew, don't worry!!
Mom: what does idk mean
Me: I don't know.
Mom: but you just typed it, how can u not know wat it means

Her texting slang was so 2006, but I guess I needed to suck it up and deal with it, even though it gives me a headache sometimes. I let out a small sigh, wishing Cage would hurry up. Aleisha seemed to be deep in conversation with a group of her own friends and I didn't want to intrude. A bunch of girls were staring at me and whispering though (probably because I was wearing Cage's last name on my back). Feeling super alone and awkward, I huffed impatiently, wishing Tanner and Cage would be out soon.

Luckily, my prayers were answered. Less than a minute later, a group of attractive boys, all fresh and clean, were making their way out of the locker room, and towards us. I grinned as I spotted the dark haired boy with the gorgeous smile, and waited as he approached me.

"Aren't you quite social," he commented, as he addressed the fact I was standing a good ten feet away from where everyone else were standing. I rolled my eyes, looking away sheepishly. "Gabby ditched me for Jason."

He smirked. "That works for me. Now I have you to myself."

I tried my hardest to fight back a blush, but the warmth that crept into me was overwhelming as he leaned into my touch. His fingers twirled around mine, as he pressed his lips against my forehead.

Immediately, a bunch of those girls who were staring at me began to swoon (almost mockingly?) and I found myself pulling away from Cage, annoyed. Cage steadied his hand on my shoulder, glancing at the group of girls. "Is there a problem?"

One of them was really pretty- with dark brown hair and dimples, and she stepped forward giving Cage a look. "We were just trying to understand why Cage Alexander Loren has a secret girlfriend he never told us about. Who is she?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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