9. "You're a Saggitarian and we're not compatible."

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When I finally caught up to him, we had already reached the bake stalls. Gabby was on a role, as she had sold more than six boxes of cupcakes in just half an hour.

She smirked at our return, raising her eyebrows slightly. "Back so soon?"

"Don't ask," I mumbled as I fell back into the plastic chair, gasping hard. "This kid makes me run a lot, I tell you. Hey Cage, what's your obsession with running?"

Cage raised his eyebrows before he sat on the grass, folding his legs. "First of all, I'm older than you," Cage informed with a smirk. "I'm December 13th, 1996 born."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "And how do you know that you're older than me?"

"Oh, babe," he chuckled. "You don't know how much I know about Kirstin Angela Dawson. You're born on January 12th, 1997. You're a Capricorn and you behave just like one too," he said, rubbing his palms together. "You have an older brother, and your parents have always wanted to have two sons- until you turned out to be a girl. You've always preferred cats to dogs and your favorite color is baby blue. You've never been stung by a bee before AND you used to have a job at KFC until they fired you because you were being too rude to a customer who wouldn't pay for his meal."

Holy shit.

I stared at him, my eyes widening. I took a step back, cautiously. Whoa. Stalker alert. STALKER ALERTTT.

He then laughed. "Don't worry, that's really all I know about you."

I turned to look at Gabby who didn't look as shocked as I was. Instead, she had a knowing smile on her face.

"And how would you know all of this, Cage?" she raised her eyebrows, putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Well," he muttered, running his hand through his hair with a grin. "I do have my sources."

"What sources? Who sources?" I demanded, slightly scared by all of the things he knew about me.

He laughed at me, biting his lip. "My dear friend Hayley, who apparently goes to your school, has told me everything about you," he explained. "She's really, um, obsessed with Cukit."

Oh, that makes more sense. I remember her.

Crazy people, though!

"Hayley? As in Hayley Jensen?" Gabby frowned. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know her, she's crazy about this guy," I mumbled, pointing at Cage.

"Who isn't?" Gabby giggled, twirling a lock of her hair. I glared at her. "Okay, maybe you're the only one who isn't," Gabby added, laughing.

I sighed. When will this girl learn?

"You've forgotten about Jason, eh?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes. "What about him?"

I bit my lip, casually shrugging. "I don't know, maybe the fact that he's your boyfriend...?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. He's at his cousin sister's house or something."

I fake coughed, glaring at her. "You don't get it, do you?"

Cage was watching all of this with a very amused smirk on his face. Suddenly annoyed by it, I decided that it was time for me to go home.

So I got to my feet and yawned. "Anywaaayys. I'm tired, Gabs. I'll go home."

"Uhh, no you're not going home," Gabby raised her eyebrows at me. "You can't abandon me here!"

"You let me abandon you when you pushed me to Cage," I pointed out.

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