29. "I thought I was your one true love."

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As the days went by, I found myself buried in my textbooks, stressing more and more about my upcoming exams. These weren't the kind of exams which you could take lightly. These were the exams that would determine my entire freaking life.

So obviously, I was working my ass off with college applications, SATS, finals and all that other twelfth grade shit. The school-year was coming to an end (I had mixed feelings about that) and I was trying the hardest to get admission in my dream university- UCLA. It's one of the best colleges in the state, but also one of the most applied and most difficult to get into. Seriously, I'll do anything to get in. That university is bae. Gabby wanted to go the more prestigious route by aiming for universities like Yale and Stanford- and personally, I think that she can do it. She's a hard worker if she puts her mind to it, and I'm sure she'll get in.

UCLA's rival university USC, which is the University of Southern California is a great school but the fees are way too high and I know that my parents can't afford it. There's a HUGE rivalry between UCLA and USC- and uh, is it bad if I say that I'm UCLA all the way? USC can go and screw itself :) 

I'm probably boring you with all this university talk, lol I'm sorry. But once you get into your senior year of highschool, that's ALL that anyone talks about. Adults just pester you with questions about college and it's so sickening.

I was sitting in my room, my textbooks all around me when my phone buzzed. Like usual, I picked it up to see a text from Nicholas. Nicholas and I were pretty friendly now- we've been texting pretty frequently. He's really cool, funny, hot- everything a girl wishes for... but he wasn't Cage.

Ugh. I hate how I still think about that idiot. I deserve so much better, right?


I kind of like Cage. I think I do. Because if I didn't, I wouldn't be constantly reminded of him, or constantly checking my Instagram DMs to see if his name was in my inbox. I know, I know, it's my fault that I completely destroyed whatever we had. But who could trust this guy? One second he was all into me, and the next second he was dating Maya again.

Maya. That female dog. 

Anyway, I opened the text from Nicholas and smiled at the screen when I read it. He constantly flirted with me whenever we spoke, but then again he constantly flirted with everyone. And by everyone, I mean everyone. Including the mailman. DON'T ask, that's a story for another time.

Nicholaaaaaas:- good morning, beautiful :*

Kittykittykat:-  it's 2 p.m -_-

Nicholaaaaaas:- what's with the grumpy emoji? Is little Ms.Nerd studying again?

I snorted. He was a bigger nerd than I was and we both knew it.

Kittykittykat:- FINALS ARE IN A WEEK. Plus, I'm not the one with the 4.7 GPA sooooo

Nicholaaaaaaas:- You're KILLING yourself over finals. how many times will you re-read the same shit that you've already learned? You need a break.

Kittykittykat:- ....is that a lame KitKat reference?

Nicholaaaaaaaas:- No, I'm serious. I'm picking you up at 6. Be ready.

Kittykittykat:- omg yes but where are we going? 

Nicholaaaaaaaaas:- I know you love icecream :3

Kittykittykat:- YAYYYYY!!! I LOVE YOU :D and yes icecream's my one true love <3

Nicholaaaaaaaaas:- I thought I was your one true love :(

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