32. "I'd put the whole world on hold if it means I get to see you."

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A/N: this chapter contains pictures so make sure you have wifi to see them!! oh and yes i finally updated let us all applaud .-. I HATE BEING IN HIGH SCHOOL I HATE NINTH GRADE can i be four again thx


My finals were over in a flash and my college applications were all submitted- and before I knew it, there were only few weeks left for high school to end. 

I still had a few huge events to look forward to though; there was Prom and Graduation Day. In these few weeks of just fun and frolic, I would hopefully get accepted at a university; and another chapter of my life would open up.

Just thinking about it made my heart beat erratically. 

I stood in front of my mirror, just staring at my reflection (because Gabby was on a date with Jason, Nicholas was at basketball practice and I had no other friends), wondering what to do when there was a knock at my door.


I turned to see a familiar blonde haired twenty two year old standing by my door, and I grinned. "Vegas, you're back! I missed you!"

He froze, feigning shock. "Did... did you just say that you missed me?!" he overreacted, clutching his heart dramatically and staggering backwards into the hallway. "Did my little sister just tell me that she missed me?!"

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards him, but hugged him anyway. "I kinda needed someone here. Mom's going crazy over colleges."

Vegas smirked. "Why, does she doubt that her youngest child won't make it to Stanford?"

I let out a short bark of sarcastic laughter. "I wish. Stanford is way out of my league. I was hoping for maybe UCLA, or maybe even USC. And I'm sick of talking about colleges, so can we not?"

"Of course," he grinned, as we walked downstairs together. Mom was sitting in the living room, unpacking Vegas' luggage, humming cheerfully. I gave him a look. "Can't you unpack your own luggage?"

"Oh please, mom wanted to do it," Vegas brushed it away. "Besides, I spent four years in Alaska living on my own. I missed being my momma's boy." 

Mom laughed, shaking her head. "I'm doing this for you only because you're my little baby."

I opened my mouth in protest. "Mom, I thought I was your favorite!"

Dad walked in from the kitchen, laughing, clearly having overheard the conversation. He slipped an arm around my shoulders. "Well, Kit, you were always your papa's little girl."

"Yay," I laughed. Vegas let out a sigh before flopping onto the couch. "That vacation was hella amazing but I really missed the feeling of being home."

I smirked, walking over to the couch and sitting at the edge of the sofa cautiously. "Are you sure about that Vegas? Are you sure that you don't miss a certain brunette?"

He sat up right so fast, his eyes widened. Mom and Dad both looked curious as they exchanged glances, as Mom shut the lid of the suitcase. "Who's this brunette I don't know about?" she questioned im.

I almost laughed at Vegas' face, as I innocently backed away, away from my brother's wrath. "Okay fine," he took a breath. "I wasn't planning on telling you now, but since Kit so cleverly threw me under the bus-" he paused just so he could give me a very bitter look- "I guess I'm gonna have to tell you now. I have a girlfriend."

Mom and Dad both looked borderline amused and they exchanged glances again. "Well, that's great, son. You're twenty two, I was surprised that you didn't, actually," Dad said, and Mom nodded in agreement.

"Well, I've had a crush on her for two years now, and apparently it turns out that she always had feelings for me too," I didn't miss the red flush on my brother's cheeks as he spoke. "I asked her out a few months ago. Her name's Josie, and she went to uni with me. She's majored in theater arts."

"Well, We would love to meet her," Mom looked at me. "And so would Kit."

"Actually I already met her," I giggled. "I met her in Hawaii when Vegas dropped by. But I didn't really get much time to actually sit down and talk to her. She's adorable, though."

I didn't miss the grin on Vegas' lips when I finished talking. Mom just shook her head, almost unbelieving. "I can't believe you two. I'd really like to meet her! Call her home one day," she gave Vegas a pointed look and he nodded. "She was actually dying to meet you for a while, now."

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out to check the text on the lock screen. My heart kinda did this weird beating thing when I saw who it was from, and I quickly texted back.

 My heart kinda did this weird beating thing when I saw who it was from, and I quickly texted back

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I sucked my breath in. He wanted me to go over to his house to pick his jersey up? My heart sped up just at the thought but I kept cool. 

I could cry, that's how I felt

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I could cry, that's how I felt. Sometimes that boy could get away with saying whatever he wanted to. He texted me his address and I realized that he lived only a twenty minutes away. Maybe Gabby would give me a ride to his place if she was done with Jason. I tucked my phone into my pocket, glancing at the time.

I was going to meet his family.



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