35. "I can't believe we're actually here."

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Some people like to believe in 'happily ever after's'.

A few months ago, I would have probably laughed at those three words, mocking how stupid people were to believe that there even were such things. I would have probably started to rant on how relationships couldn't last forever- they just don't. Either you separate, or one of you dies. There's no point to it all. 

But as I stood there, my hands around Cage's neck, his lips smiling against mine as he held me close to him- I was wishing desperately with the entirety of my heart that happily ever after's did exist. I was wishing desperately that Cage and I would have our own happily ever after. Cheesy, I know, but I never understood the actual feeling of crazy until I was kissing Cage in the middle of the woods, waltzing lightly, as his arms held my waist. 

"Wow," he murmured against my lips, his lips quirked up into an absolutely gorgeous smile. "I can't believe we're actually here."

"Me neither," I giggled as he pressed his lips into the crook of my neck. I pulled away for a second, to look at him properly. "So what is this? What are we doing?"

He rolled his eyes, before pulling away from me, letting me go. I regretted it immediately. Couldn't I have kept my dumb mouth shut? Why did I have to go and start this labelling thing already? I was so stupid; it had been barely five minutes and I ruined it.

"Well, Kit," he said, holding me by the shoulders; and my regret melted away when I saw the look in his eyes- there was this kind of gorgeous glow to them, making my chest feel fuzzy. "It's only fair if I do this in the most chivalrous way possible."

He got down on one knee and I began to laugh, pressing my hands to my mouth to suppress the ridiculous way I was giggling (One kiss and I had turned into the sappiest of sappy people. Only Cage could have this effect on me). He grinned mischievously before pulling out something from his pocket- a mini kitkat bar. 

"I grabbed this before we left," he admitted, holding it up in the air like it was a diamond ring. The small chocolate was worth more than a diamond ring ever could to me. "I thought it suited the occasion perfectly."

I watched him as he kneeled on one knee in front of me; this sort of feeling in my chest which was threatening to explode, I was sure my molecules were seconds away from combusting.

"So Kit," he spoke softly, holding the kitkat towards me. "Will you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"

I pretended to think about it; and his face fell, making me laugh. "Of course, you idiot," I rolled my eyes with a smile, taking the kitkat from his hand. He let out a whoop, before jumping to his feet. He took my face in his hands, kissing me again, and in that moment, I knew that I had just made the best decision of my life.


When he dropped me home half an hour later, he had to leave immediately because Grace would kill him if he left Alexa alone at home for too long. I was beyond giddy as I fell into my bed that night, nervous and excited energy radiating through my bones.

The first person I texted was obviously Gabby, and she freaked out for about fifteen minutes, sending me three hundred shocked emojis over and over again. I rolled over in bed, the stupid smile not leaving my face, my phone in my hand when my bedroom door opened and Vegas strided in.

"Who was that?"

I sat up, staring at him. "What?"

Vegas suspiciously narrowed his eyes at me, crossing his arms across his chest. "The brown haired dude whose hand you were holding on the sidewalk."

An embarrassed blush crept over my cheeks- thank goodness I hadn't made out with him in front of our house. "Why were you spying on me?"

Vegas looked around my room, thinking of a cover up. "I was just casually looking behind the curtains."

"Liar," I glared at him. "How would you feel if I went around sneakily, spying on you and Josie?"

"Josie and I are dating, so does that mean... holy shit, you have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell us!" Vegas angrily accused, stomping his foot on my carpet. I scowled at him. "Why are you being a baby about it? It happened like an hour ago! Besides, you didn't tell us about Josie for like two years!"

"He asked you out an hour ago?" Vegas frowned. "Seriously? Was that why you were singing christmas pop songs when you walked in?"

Embarassed, I blushed and threw a pillow at him, which he smoothly caught and threw it back. The pillow hit me in the face and Vegas burst out laughing. "You suck, Kit. You really do."

"At least I don't have a gay name," I shot back and he let out a frustrated cry. "Vegas isn't a gay name!"

"What is happening in here?" Mom walked in, a laundry basket under one arm. "What do I hear about Vegas being a gay name? It was in the top fifty baby boy names in 1993."

"See?! Thank you," Vegas scowled at me, before he turned to mom. "Kit was asked out by a dude an hour ago, and now she's dating him and she didn't even tell us."

Mom blinked at me, silent for a few seconds. And then- "DEREK! Get in here!"

Dad walked in, looking confused and I groaned, burying my head in the pillow. Why did I have to get stuck with such a crazy family?

Thirty minutes later, after explaining the entire story to them, I was glad to see that my parents approved. "Cage Loren? Grace Loren's nephew? I met him once, he was polite and smart. Looked like a nice kid," Dad said, nodding. "I guess I'm okay with this."

Vegas rolled his eyes. "I can't say anything until I meet him."

"Call him home," said Mom, excitedly. "Or even better, let's invite Grace and her family over for dinner. Then we'll get to meet the in-laws early."

I rolled my eyes. "We started to date an hour ago, mom. Marriage is too far ahead."

"We'll see about that," she laughed. "You never know."


double update in two days?! yes, i know. my second term exams are here and i probably will not have time to update later :( sayonara!


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