Prince Charming

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Yes and I were sitting on my bed. It was a Friday in April and we were watching Pitch Perfect on the t.v. in my room. I reached into the popcorn bowl to find it almost empty.

"Yes, you ate all of that popcorn before the first half of the movie was over!"

She shrugged at me. "What can I say? I have a problem. No, I think it's more of an addiction to butter."

She put her hand back in the bowl to get the last handful of popcorn and I swatted her away jokingly. She put her hand back in the bowl and stuffed the food into her mouth so she looked like a chipmunk. I got up and put the bowl in the kitchen after I was done laughing at her. I came back in and cuddled up to her while watching the movie.

                          * * * * *

As soon as Beca won the singing competition, Yes and I heard a noise at my window. I jumped off the bed and ran over to it. I opened the window and looked down to see Gavin standing with a ladder in the back lawn. Yes came over and took a glance out the window before walking over to her backpack.

"Well, that's my cue to leave."

She gave a wave and walked out my door. The next thing I knew, I could see her from my window as she waved to Gavin. He waved back with a flushed face. He propped the ladder against my window and began to climb up. After a few minutes he finally made it and pulled himself through the window.

"You know that I could have snuck you in through the back door," I told him.

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and said, "Where's the fun in that?"

I pulled him into me, taking every single piece of him in. I walked over to my bed and motioned for him to come over. I sat down and placed my blankets around me. I took his hand and pulled him into the bed. He took my blanket and wrapped it around the both of us. I laid down on my back and he did the same. Then, he began to trace shapes on my spine. I could feel the letters. First an "I." Then a heart. Then a "you."

I glanced over at him, sat up, and threw my arms around his neck.

"I... I'm not ready to say that yet. I guess I don't know what love feels like.

"It envelopes you and you can't help but voice your feelings. You'll know when it's time. Don't say it until you're ready. I would never make you do something you're not comfortable with."

"But what about...?"

"Shh," he said and put his pointer finger to my lips.

I pulled him back down and we sat there holding each other until my eyelids started to feel heavy and his touch was the last thing I felt.

* * * * *

I heard my alarm going off when I realized that Gavin was still next to me. His arm was draped around my stomach, but his eyes opened slightly when he stirred.

"Morning," he whispered.

"Morning," I replied.

"I better get going. Your parents will probably be up any minute. It's nine already."

"Yeah. Are you gonna be ok?"

"Of course. I'll text you later."

He gave me a peck on the cheek, opened my window, and began his descent down the steps. I walked over to the window and caught his goofy grin as he climbed down.

Once he was out of sight, I went back over to my bed and crawled back under the covers, smelling his pine scent in my sheets. I closed my eyes and saw his face perfectly in my mind. And that was when I knew it. That I was closer to being in love with him too.

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