"I'll do it," Lucy replied with resolve. "How many dark guilds are there?" 

"Since it's their base, I estimate around 100 guilds. Each having around 100 members. But the real deal you need to get rid of is the head dark guild. 

"You're crazy, Lucy!" Sting screamed. "Even if you're powerful, 100 guilds is way too much!"

"I have to agree with Sting for once. There's no way just five members from each guild can take care of this much. Not to mention there's the head dark guild. I heard they've been causing destruction everywhere. Wiping out a whole entire town on the map." 

"I'm doing it," Lucy said firmly. "Where's the location that the guilds will meet?" 

"Here's the location of the place on a map," Jiemma said, handing the paper over to Lucy.

"Father! Lucy! The Kou empire is powerful enough, they can handle the path themselves! Besides, why ask us? They can just ask the 10 wizard saints!" Minerva screamed, blocking Lucy and Nagi's exit. 

"Minerva," Lucy looked sternly at her, forcing Minerva to take a step back. "If you guys don't wish to come along, fine. But since I want to do it, don't block my path. I'm leaving as soon as I get all my stuff ready." 

Minerva clenched her teeth. "Fine! I'm coming along!"

Lucy was shocked at her sudden change in decision but soon smiled. "Meet me at the train station at 8 am. Only thirty minutes left." 

"M-Minerva?" Sting stuttered. 

"Are you guys coming along?" Lucy asked. Looking at each other, the two gave in and ran to their apartments, packing their things. 

"Thanks for convincing them," Jiemma said as Lucy was about to leave. "I'm sure you'll take care of things. After all, you are one of the-" 

"Master Jiemma," Lucy smiled, silencing him. "The mission will be completed. Don't worry." 

Jiemma sat in his chair with a bewildered face but soon broke into laughter. "I trust you words." 

With that, Lucy closed the door and opened up a portal. 

"Do you want to come, Nagi? If you don't want to, you can stay here," Lucy said, looking down at her son as she held her hand. He was only four years old. 

"I'm coming with Mama! No matter what!" Nagi replied instantly without hesitation. 

"Okay then~" Lucy replied with a smile. 

The two walked through the portal and once they stepped through, Zeref was sitting on the couch watching the television. He noticed their presences and turned around to greet them. 

"You guys are back early," Zeref said.

"We're going to the east," Lucy replied as Nagi left to his and his mother's room to pack. Lily and Happy following him. 

Zeref stood up and walked over to Lucy. "There's dark guilds there. Was it a request from the council?" 

Lucy nodded. "We'll be gone for a month at most. The Kou empire will be coming here after all." 

"The Kou empire, huh..." Zeref sighed. "Last time they came to the Alvarez Empire, things didn't go so well between their king and me. Well, you were there, too." 

Lucy laughed. "I still remember that time." 

"Well, I wish I could go with you but hiding my presence there is rather troublesome. So here," Zeref said as he took out a trump card with the drawing of a black fairy king on it. "If you're in trouble and need, just call me from this and I'll be there in a second." 

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