Chapter Twenty Four

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It's been a week since I've been with Avery, and lets just say it's been one of the best weeks of my life. I get to wake up everyday knowing that she's mine now, and I have nothing to worry about because I'll never let her leave my side.

Today we have a barbecue though, sure our families know that we went on a date, and Avery's parents saw us kiss but we still haven't announced us being a couple to them. I'm excited to see their reactions, but at the same time I'm not because the outcomes are either gonna be me getting punched or becoming deaf. I'm not ready for that.

Liam practically asks everyday but I never answer, I should, but I'm just enjoying it too much when it's with him. "Colton!"

Speaking of the devil... Liam barges in my room and walks all the way to my bedside table looking for something inside. "What are you doing?" I asked grabbing a polo shirt from my closet and putting it on. "Do you have any condoms?" He asked closing the drawer, and moving to the other side of my bed looking through the other one, "No! I don't." I said my face scrunching up. "Why the hell do you need condoms? We are going to a freaking barbecue" I said mortified.

Out of the seven billion people in this world, why does Liam have to be my brother.

Liam laughed falling onto my bed. "don't need it for the barbecue dumb áss. After the barbecue I'm heading off somewhere" he said smirking. "If you know what I mean..."

"I know what you mean, and I pray to god your breathe stinks of meat and onions when you go to that somewhere" I said putting my shoes on. "Ok but seriously, you don't have any condoms? I thought you'd have some now that you and Avery are a thing" he said smirking. I just ignored him though and put on my shoes.

"Ugghh!! Now I have to guy buy some." He grumbled getting off my bed. "How are you eve out of condoms? Your Liam." I said chuckling. "Excuse me, what is that supposed to mean" he said putting his hand on his chest acting like he's offended. "Oh nothing" I said.

He walked out of my room saying "hurry up, your taking too long. Mom and dad are already there, and you wouldn't want to be late for your little Avery babe right?" He said smirking.

"Will you shut up, I'm coming" I said walking behind him, wanting to kick his sorry ass.

We walked to Avery's house, which didn't even take a full minute and rung the doorbell. Liam greeted Avery's dad at the door and walked inside.

"Hey Mr. Wilson" I said to Avery's dad, as we did that the signature bro hug. With Mr. Wilson I never call him by his real name, I feel like going up to him a being like 'hey David what's up my man!' would be too weird, with Avery's mom tho she practically forced me to call her by her name. "Hey Colton, come on in. Your parents and Liam are in the backyard." He said.

"I'll be out there in just a bit" I said. "Why? Where are you going" he asked suspiciously. "I'm just gonna check on Avery upstairs" I said starting up the stairs.

"Why would you want to check up on he-" he said cutting himself of with a sigh. "Ok, if you take long I'm coming up there" he said, and I heard the backyard door open and shut. I reached upstairs and practically ran to Avery's room. It's only been a day since I haven't seen her because yesterday she had to help her mom with something, but I can't help but miss her.

I knocked on the door and she opened it grinning. "I knew you'd come up here" she said grinning. She jumped on me and wrapped her arms around my neck connecting her lips with mine. I put my arms around her hips, moving them up to her waist.

Slowly she pulled her arms from around my neck, and trailed her hands on my chest. She pulled away and looked at me. I looked into her beautiful green eyes, and even though I've looked into them a million times I'm still mesmerized by the color and all the golden flecks in it. "I love you" I whispered, my lips grazing hers. "I love you too" she said. With one last peck she held my hands and pulled me out of her room. "Can't we just stay in here?" She asked grumbling. I chuckled and shook my head, "oh I wish, but I'm afraid not because your dad can be up here any second."


I was eating my burger, and so where all the others as we sat on the table. "So do you guys have anything to tell us?"Avery's mom asked. "Yeah" Avery said. "I like pickles now" she said. "Wait you do?" Her dad asked confused. "Yeah I do, in fact Liam can you pass those cut up pickles next to your plate?" She asked. Liam gave them to her smirking, probably because he's the one that forced her to try them. "Oh that's good, but like anything more juicy" my mom asked. Wow even my mom is in on this.

"I have this juicy story" Liam said. "No honey, Liam-" my mom started but was cut off by Liam talking again. Moments like these I'm thankful he's around, cause he's probably helping us with avoiding all the questions. Even though we shouldn't avoid the questions it's just too fun, and I know Avery thinks so too because she's having a really hard time keeping her giggles in. "Mom and dad sorry in advice." Liam said.

"Ok so when I was in high school I was dating this girl called Debbie" Liam said. "You dated? Why didn't you tell us, I've always wanted one of you guys to bring a girl home and introduce her to us." My mom said glaring at Liam but then looking at me with this look, gesturing to Avery. I looked away avoiding anything else she may do or say. "Mom I think by dated, he means like..." I said not continuing hoping she got it. She gave Liam a disgusted look rolling her eyes. "But I was also dating this other girl called Destiny" Liam said.

This was going to be a long story.

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