Chapter One

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"Avery, wake up. We have school, let me in" Colton said laughing, knocking on my window. I groaned and rolled over in bed. He couldn't see me cause it was daylight outside but I could see him sticking his face to the glass window, his eye showing through the curtains I had closed. I usually don't lock it because he usually comes every night and sleeps with me. But last night I did because I got mad at him for eating all the cookies I made. Well almost all. There is only four pieces left.

I made two dozen! And it's all in his stomach.

"Avery" he called out. My alarm clock rang five minutes ago, but I swear if he does this every day I won't even need anything to wake me up other than his babble head. I grumbled and got up walking to my window. Sliding it up I saw him balancing himself on the branch that belongs to the tree between our two houses. The way these two houses were so close to each other always has us questioning the reason. We said maybe the people before us were related so they built their houses like that but they left now, so we'll never know.

His window was only a meter and a half away from mine, and the branch was strong enough. But maybe not for long if he stayed on there any longer. He jumped in with his hand holding his vlogging camera.

All this was like Taylor Swift's 'You Belong With Me" video. Except we won't end up together because he doesn't like me back, he also doesn't have a mean cheerleader girlfriend that he's not happy with, and I'm not in a marching band.

You know what, forget I even compared us to that.

"Good morning!" He said giving me a kiss on my cheek still filming. I couldn't help my blush from appearing so to cover it up I grumbled again and crossed my arms. "Oh c'mon! We only have a week until school is over and we graduate. Cheer up" he said smiling. Still filming.

"You ate my cookies!" I said pushing on his strong chest. Any harder I could have gotten hurt. He only laughed while I walked to the bathroom I have connected to my room. "Clearly, she's not in a good mood-" I slammed the door before I could hear him finish, and did the usual morning routine I do everyday for school.


I got out of the bathroom dressed since my dressing room is connected to my bathroom and saw Colton laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I was wearing a pair of jeans, a maroon long sleeved shirt, and my timberland boots. I finally noticed what he was wearing and as usual he looked handsome. With his jeans that held on to his amazing legs all the way up to his muscular chest that was dressed in a navy blue polo shirt. He looked really nice. And it was a shame he was only my best friend. Since middle school I fell for him like crazy, and my crush on him started like chicken pocks. I thought it would leave but then it slowly started getting more stronger, until boom!

I fell in love with him.

And to this day he doesn't know. I'm scared, one day he'll find someone and I'll have to watch them fall for each other, I'm scared that I'm so much of a scaredy cat that he's gonna slip away from me. But I can't do anything.

See it's exactly like chicken pocks, you can't put any cream or shît that will make it leave!

Our friendship is really strong and me telling him will ruin it all. Sure it's getting harder and harder everyday, but being his closest friend, and having him everyday is better than not having him at all.

He sat up and smiled at me. "I'm very sorry for eating your cookies" he said. Even though he was smiling and holding a laugh, I could tell he was also serious. I usually don't get mad at him, so he must be worried.

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