Chapter Eleven

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I decided I was gonna prank him. I won't be surprised if it fails though. Yesterday I was in a down mood, and I'm scared he'll ask again what's up or if I'm ok which I want to try to avoid. Because you don't want to tell ur best friend

'I'm in love with you, I had the same dream of you getting married again last night, and when I thought you were gonna kiss me you didn't, and probably only leaned in to take out a fluff ball in my hair.'

That's a big no, and besides I've never took over a full video and uploaded it on his channel, so this is my big shot. It may be as fun as he says it is.

Colton on his computer right now editing, so I told him I needed to talk to my mom about girl stuff and went back to my room through my window from his. "Mom!" I called out from the stairs. "Yes!" She called back from the kitchen. I went their to see her letting her hair fall down from a bun and still in her work clothes, she placed her bag on the counter and took off her strapy heels. "Mom do you know where I can find pregnancy sticks?" I asked pulling myself up and sitting on the kitchen counter. "Any pharmac- WAIT WHAT?!" She shouted letting go of her heels. That's when I realized I didn't exactly think the words I used through. She came in front of me walking with one heel on limping. "Avery! Are you pregnant?!-"


"No wait, how!?-"


"Most importantly is it with Colton cause if it is-"

"Mom!" I shouted surprised she said that, with a small smile on her face. "What? There is nothing wrong with getting pregnant young, wait no I mean there is a problem but if it's with Colton it shouldn't be that bi-"

"Mom please stop, that's not what I meant. I meant a fake pregnancy stick that says 'pregnant' on it" I said. "Oh..." She said. "Why didn't you just say so" she said walking upstairs. "But- I, oh lord" I said sighing, following her. "I kept the stick I used when I found out I was pregnant with you" she said going into her room and opening her work drawer pulling out an envelope. "I know, sounds weird but I like to save memories" she said giving it to me. "Thank mom" I said. "Wait why do you need it?" She asked skeptically.

"I'm prancing Colton" she gasped but a second later a smirk crept onto her face. "That's evil" she said laughing. "I know" I said wiggling my eyebrows joining her laughter as I walked out. "You better give that back though!" She said. "Only if he doesn't break it."

"Avery!" She shouted. "Ok, ok!" I laughed.


I was back in colton's room, and I was trying to act, which I wasn't good at. I made sure the cameras I set up were well hidden when he went to the bathroom. I even filmed an intro which was awkward but I had to. I didn't know how to fake cry so I'm just gonna have to make it look like I'm gonna break down. "Colton, I need to tell you something.." I said as he came out if the bathroom. Here goes nothing.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately concerned. I rubbed my face letting out a sigh. Seeing that he came and sat next to me on the sofa set he has in his room. "Avery?" He asked again. "Do you remember two months ago when we had a fight because I told you I didn't want to be in your videos anymore?" I said.

"Yeah.." He said hesitantly. "Well after you stormed off I went out. I walked around the street and I came upon this house that was having a party. I went in and stayed there for an hour just watching the people, then I started drinking. A lot.

"I was drunk by then, and I met this guy. One thing led to another and..." I said trembling my lips slightly. Oh my god I can't believe I'm doing this. "Avery.. No..." He whispered his face heartbroken. "I had sex with him" I whispered putting my hands over my face as I tried to fake sob.

"No, no. How could you?!" He asked his eyes wide. "And the fact you've hid this from me for this long, why tell me now?" He asked more questions standing up now and pacing the room. His hands were in his hair pulling and his face was turning red. "I didn't want to tell you.. But now I have to because- because I-I-" I said trying to make it work. I reached into my pocket and took out the pregnancy test. "Wh- what i-is that?" He asked even though he knew, but he was trying to deny the truth. "I'm pregnant" I stated.

By now his jaw was clenched, so was his fist. He was breathing hard, his body tense, and his muscles flexed. I couldn't help but think he looked attractive. So not the right time.

"Avery, why?! We could have talked about it, we could have made up. You should have known that and not go and do that, now your fûcking pregnant!" He shouted. He looked scary, like he was gonna break something. He sat down and started calming himself down so he wouldn't do anything stupid. "Look I know it's stupid and selfish of me. But I've decided to abort the child" I said. The fact that I'm saying that disgusts me. He knows I hate people who do that so I'm sure he's very very shocked by now.

"What?! No! Avery you keep that child or I swear to god.." He trailed off.

"Look I'm sorry for going all ape shït crazy on you but... This is stressful and..." he said trailing off, now much more calmed down.

"Fine, how about I put it up for adoption, that's better-"

"No Avery, no. You take responsibility of this baby. It's yours. You're it's mother. Everything will be fine, just find the father of this baby and talk to him" he said sighing, also shaking his head.

"About that... I don't even remember anything about him and I don't even know him" I said, trying to act stressed, when really I wanted to burst out laughing at how he's believing everything in saying.

He pulled me in for a hug seeing my fake crumbling face. I hugged him shocked that he was comforting me now when he was shouting at me a minute ago. "Look, I know this is probably so hard right now, being pregnant. But you'll get through this. We will get through this Avery. I promise I won't let you do this alone. I'll even be the babies godfather. You'll be okay princess" he said. I could have sworn I even heard him mumble something about 'I just wish it was me' but I'll never know cause my heart is beating loudly, my mouth open in shock at all this. He's literally so nice and kind, I can't believe he's taking this so amazingly.

He didn't bale on me- even though it's fake- and have me do this alone, he promised to be by my side the whole time. At that moment my love for him grew a ton times more.

"Colton one more thing" I said truly scared to tell him this. "What?" he asked hesitantly. "There's more?" He asked looking exhausted.

I can't blame him though. I got up and went to the side view camera I have set in between his books. "This is a prank.. I got you back" I said giggling. "Oh my god!" He shouted a grin on his face as he ran to me and picked me up, spinning me around. "Yes-yes-yes-" he said in between kissing my cheeks and my nose as he squeezed me to death. "I'm so happy!" He said. "That's not the reaction I was expecting..." I said scratching my head blushing. "I didn't expect your reaction either when I pranked you" he said.

"That was cruel though" he said to the camera in my hands. "I felt like I couldn't breathe" he said holding his chest. "Payback is a biatch" I said laughing. "Sure is" he said kissing my forehead.

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