Chapter Seventeen

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I'm so damn stupid!

So stupid! How could I say that! I guess at the time I wanted to say that because I was dying inside and wanted to let my feelings for her out. But in a different way that screwed everything up.

It was all because I was looking at Avery's Snapchat and was smiling because of how beautiful I thought she looked. I just didn't want to tell her that, and then my stupid mouth opened with an excuse.

It's been a week since I told her that and I can't help but feel it's affected our friendship. I mean everything's the same but the small things like when she looks hurt and avoids me, when she turned her body the other side when we are in bed, and us sleeping together has been less. A life lesson to always have in mind when your in love with someone, is not to tell them you like someone else. Cause then you'll be crazy stupid just like me at the moment.

I was making hot chocolate for Avery and I, once it was done I put the mugs on a tray and carried them to Avery sitting on the couch. At least she still comes over, but she probably would even when we are in an argument because her and my mom are in love with each other, not to mention what the bond she has with Liam.

She looked so good while she sat there taking a selfie. I sat next to her and noticed it was a video with the Coachella crowns. She tilted her camera towards me and leaned over giving me a peck on the cheek. She scrolled through the filters putting the fast rabbit, and wrote idiot as a caption placing it right under me. "Wow, you think that low of me Avery" I asked. "Mhm" she said giving me her signature sneaky smirk. "What's your girlfriends snap?" She asked.

Here we go again.

"Umm, I don't have a girlfriend..." I said looking at the brown liquid swirling in my cup as smoke formed above it. "What's her snap?" She asked. "I don't know" I said taking a sip even though it was still scorching hot.

"Ok..." she said making it awkward again.

Ok no I have to fix this, I hate it and here is no way I'm going to stand this until I actually... well I don't know how long I'm gonna keep up with the lie but I can't go on with it while Avery is acting this way.

"Look aves, I'm sorry this is probably very awkward for you as it is for me-"

"No no, Colton I'm sorry" she said with a sigh. "I'm acting really weird for no reason- I'm happy for you really, you're probably happy with your girlfriend-"

"She isn't my girlfriend" I said cutting her off.

"You're probably happy with this girl, or happy that you like her and I shouldn't be stopping anything between you guys. In fact, right now lets go see her" she said getting up.

"Wait what?" I asked quickly standing in front of her. "Yeah! Let's go, call her tell her to be in the park, and I'll get you guys together, you'll be the it couple. Cmon Colton you'll be so happy!" She said jumping up and down.

Well shįt I just keep making things worse.

"Umm- I- oh yeah! I just remembered. She's at the park every Saturday, this time. How lucky are we. Cmon we'll go see her there" I said pulling her to the door with me. "Oh you don't want to call her, tell her you're-"

"No no! Cmon before she leaves!" Also before you notice I'm full on lying to your face at the moment.


"So where is she usually?" Avery asked as we walked in the park hand in hand. "Umm, places, you know she's very active, and yeah. She's somewhere here though, close" I said, it's the truth though. The girl I like is walking with me and she doesn't even know it.

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