Chapter Sixteen

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"Ok so we are at the grocery store now" Liam whispered to the camera. "And we are looking for someone to prank" he said looking around for Avery.

He wanted to give vlogging a shot, so I gave him the camera. He's totally holding it wrong but at least it isn't upside down. We were by the dairy section in the first lane next to the milk. Suddenly Liam stopped in front of me causing me to bump into him. I didn't really get hurt though cause I'm a few inches taller than him despite our age. He took a few steps back and turned around. "She's right there!" He whisper yelled gesturing for me to go. I made sure the camera was actually open before I went.

"Hey" I said, a smirk on my face as I leaned against the fridge that she had open looking for frosting. She was shocked to say the least. "Co-"

I didn't let her speak as I went for it, "your hot AF, and I want to bang you" I said leaning closer to her. I wanted to cringe at what I was saying. I never say stuff like that but it's for entertainment, and Avery is gonna probably catch on to it any second now. Her mouth was wide open as she looked around. Liam wasn't being discreet either with his chuckles and huge áss grin. He was in clear view, his arms outstretched forward with the camera right there.

That's when Avery caught on like I knew she would and giggled slightly. "Wow" she said playing along. "That's so..... pleasant to hear" she said. "I know" I said. "Look I like girls and I like you, so what do you say we go to the last lane and.. get it on." I said. Her face was turning red from holding her laughter in but she held on. "Or I get your number so we can hit it up somewhere else if your busy right now" I said.

"Yeah sure" she said taking my phone from my palm and putting her number in. "Thank you" I said blowing a kiss towards her and I kept walking, not forgetting to give her butt a slap as I walked past her. I went to the next lane and made sure my voice was loud enough to be heard by them as I shouted "ooh, blondie your hot, I wanna hit that" I said to no one but I heard Avery and Liam burst out laughing.



"Colton! Ugh I can't"


"I need to go slower"


"Holy shït! That's hard! Uggghh"

"Avery!" He shouted his eyes bulging. "People are gonna think we are doing something we aren't supposed to be doing in the gym" he said lowering the speed of the bicycle for me to a pace where I could relax but still be moving. "Oh" I said blushing. The fact that I was also screaming his name...

I noticed his jaw was clenched and his eyes were darker than usual. "I'm sorry, at least we are in a closed room" I said getting up. It was nice to have him as a coach standing on top of me instructing me.  I felt like this was actually worth it, unlike that time I went to this other gym for a day and literally walked for five minutes on the treadmill.

"Well now the front desk man is gonna kick us out thinking we were actually hitting it up here and we'll no longer be in this closed room." he said grabbing me a towel from the shelf. I chuckled and drank water.

"I'll tell him I'm in a time of need" I said jokingly biting my lip as I pulled him closer by his jacket, his eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed. "-because I'm pregnant with your baby" I said noticing how once I said that he calmed down, well by calmed down I mean his cheeks weren't flushed anymore but his jaw was clenched. "Surely he'll understand that a pregnant has mood swings, and with them come needs" I said taking out my hair tie from holding my hair in a ponytail and shaking my head.

"Avery" he said chuckling gesturing me to walk outside, shaking his head.

Surprisingly the front desk man wasn't at the front desk but was instead right in front of us. I looked like a mess with my messy ponytail and flushed face, I don't know how colt looked like upon seeing him too cause he was behind me at the moment. "Umm..- it- it's nice to meet you-bye" I said quickly. Suddenly he smirked and leaned in towards Colton, "get some" he whispered but not very low since I heard it. Colton chuckled and said something back that I couldn't detect. Once he finished we continued walking, but I didn't mention what just happened for the sake of both of us. "I thought you said you'd tell him you were pregnant with our baby" he said his arms crossed. I giggled and shook my head rapidly. "By now you should I know that I say a lot of stuff that I don't do" I said.

So I probably won't be back to this gym.

On our way to his car I noticed he was on his phone, even till he went to his side to drive he was still on it. "Do you want me to drive?" I asked. He looked up briefly, "yes please" he said giving me his heartfelt smile he gives that makes me weak in the knees. Ok, know I take back my offer to drive, I'm gonna crash us.

I got in and started the engine pulling it out of parking. It takes about five to ten minutes to get back home depending on the street crowd. While we where in the first traffic light I looked over to see him smiling, something lightly burned inside of me, and I detected it as jealousy. I mean it could be anyone. His mom, his brother, my mom, his aunt, his cousins, literally a million people but my mind has to come up with one conclusion that has me shaking inside. "Is that your girlfriend?" I asked out of no where. What a stupid question, he'd tell me if he did... right? I hope he doesn't though, please for the love of god don't be in a relatio-

"God no!" He said chuckling. "Then who is that, if you don't mind be asking?" I said quietly really embarrassed. Wow Avery, can you be anymore of a snobby clingy friend. "Umm- it's no one really" he said scratching his head. "Colton" I said getting more stressed by the second because I know he's hiding something from me. He was quiet, and The traffic light became green but he still let no words out. A minute later he said " I like someone".

I pressed on the break and the car lurched forward before it stopped, and I was glad I was driving on the side of the road because it would have been a disaster stoping right smack in the middle of the road. I was too shocked to move, and I felt like I was suffocating in my own skin, and in my own miserable thoughts. I think he noticed my change of attitude because he softly asked "Avery?"

I let out a breathe and pulled at the roots of my hair making it even messier from the ponytail it was in. "What, what did you say?" I whispered to they point where it sounded undetectable. "It's not important- I- I just thought I should-"

"Colton! Please, what...?" I said only slightly raising my voice while I said his name. I looked at him, my eyes as big as saucer pans. "I like someone" he said looking at me also, looking regretful.

He likes someone.

And that someone is not me.

I won't get to live happily ever after with him, my dreams of growing up with him, marrying him, having children with him are all gone. We won't have this romantic love story to tell. My expectation since I was in middle school, to grow up and end up with him, to have him love me back, to be his.

All gone.

I don't know why it's a surprise to me, he was eventually gonna find somebody, but it came onto me like a slap.

But a small part of me, a very small one is happy for him. Because we weren't getting together anytime soon, and he was lonely. And everybody needs love. He would have never got it with me, so if he found it with someone else or will find it, I'll be happy for him, I'll support him. Because that girl is one lucky person to have him. And it's my dream to be in her place, but maybe she also had dreams to end up with a prince charming.

So I'm not gonna tell him about anything, but I will support him because I love him.

So damn much.

I gulped and started the car again. "That's great" I said giving him a small smile. But his face just seemed to get more twisted, and look more regretful by the minute.

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