Chapter Fiften

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You've got to make your fans happy, even though they tell you to film a video with your annoying stupid brother.

"Would you like to film with me?" I asked trying to be as nice as I can. He looked at me for about three seconds before he burst out laughing. "Wow, that was funny! Is this some sort of prank" he asked. "No it isn't, I'm serious" I said not finding it amusing. "Oh, ok then" he said getting up and waking to my room before I even started walking. That wasn't random at all... "C'mon! Our fans are waiting on us! The show must go on" He said the last part in a British accent practically running up the stairs. I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm.

On my twitter a lot of people had truth or dare chosen over a tag when I gave them the options so that's what we are doing. "So are you up for a truth or dare?" I asked setting the camera up and sitting on the floor for a change instead of my bed. "Yeah" he said doing the same as me and sitting on the floor. "Ok, Imma start in three, two, on-"

"Wait! Do I just say hi or wave or..?" He asked nervous, fixing his hair. "You look ugly" I said cutting off his hands from running in his hair. He scoffed and punched me in the shoulder. "Excuse me!-"

"As always" I said a smile forming on my lips. It was too funny. He scoffed again and stuck his tongue out. "I look sexy, that's why I get all the girls and you don't!" He said. "I have my eye set out for one girl only Liam, unlike you" I said.

"I have my eyes set out for one girl too" he said looking offended. "Sure" I said sarcastically. "No really, and that girl is friends with another girl and the other girl is friends with another girl and that girl is cousins with another girl, and she has an older sister, and that older sister has another sister that's slightly younger, and-"

"Don't" I said holding my hand out, one girl? More like a village of girls. He was such a whore. "One, two, three" I counted wanting to start the video but realized I already started it, oh well I'll just continue.

I don't think Liam knew we could edit this stuff cause once I sat down and fixed my shirt he started with a big "hi!" Waving both hands.

I started laughing hard trying to maintain myself. He nudged me whisper yelling at me his face stoic. "Colton, the video already started" he said giving a fake smile to camera supposedly to calm the viewers. "It's okay guys, my brother is crazy, when I was younger and he was in my moms abdomen I whispered curses on him, making a small apple tree grow in his head using the already few smart cells for its roots. That made him what he is now, so if your surprised by his crazy antics don't be. It's just him, and-"

"Ok that's enough" I said calming down from my laugh high. "Hey guys, it's Colton, a lot of you already know that, and his is my brother Liam. The annoying ass."

"Hey!" He said. "It's nice to finally be in one of his official videos, I know all you girls have been waiting for this day-"

"They haven't, they have been waiting more for a video with Avery" I said smugly. "That explains a lot" he mumbled winking to the camera. I don't know what that meant but I didn't address it.

"Today me and Liam are playing a game of truth or dare and I haven't seen these yet, I'm gonna randomly scroll and answer any question" I said taking out my phone.

"Ok first one is truth for me... do you actually hate Liam as much as u claim you do? Btw I love you and Avery so much!, love you too and so does Avery" I said smiling.

"What about me?..." Liam asked pouting putting his head down. "Nobody likes you" I said. "There you go guys, first truth answered!" He said like an advertisement person on t.v. His voice going deeper. I laughed but answered truthfully. "No, no. I don't hate Liam. He's my brother, even if I wanted to I couldn't." I said.

"Awww little bwoder!!! Your so cute!" He said elongating the last word while kissing me on the cheek with his disgusting saliva. "Doesn't mean your not annoying!" I said pushing him off huffing. He just laughed at me.

My window suddenly opened and Avery pooped her head in. She saw us filming so tried to make it quick. "I'm going to the grocery store, my mom wants more frosting for some cake she wants to make" she said grumbling. I got up and went all the way to the window and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Kk" I said grinning at her. She blushed, smiling as she left.

"Uggghh! Ur so in love" Colton said. "Shut up!" I said worried that I'll forget to cut that out. I sat back down next to Liam and grabbed my phone again.

"Second one.. I'm gonna pick one for Liam" I mumbled scrolling down until I saw his name.
"It's a dare" I said grinning evilly knowing he won't like this one. "Call up an official ex and tell her you miss her and you wanna get her laid" I said looking over at him. He was glaring at me. "Really?" He asked rolling his eyes.

He took his phone out and clicked of his ex's getting ready to call I got a look at the name and started chuckling. "Ooh, this ex was crazy. She wouldn't let hip do anything without her, it may sound cute, but it wasn't, she wouldn't let him shît alone when she slept over once" I said laughing talking about his creepy not ever forgotten ex Natalie.

"Ok call, and on speakers" I said sitting upright excited. After three rings the one was picked up. "Hello!" She said excitingly. I bet she still had his number and was close to peeing herself now jumping around. "Hey Natalie, how are you?" He asked hesitantly cringing.

"I'm so good, especially now! How are you! I missed you so much! The last time I heard of you that girl- what was her name- ivor whatever told me you traveled to space and didn't want to say goodbye to me. It made me sad but I'm happy you spared my feelings" she said giggling, most likely fluttering her lashes. "I did didn't I" Liam said rubbing his face with his hand sighing. 'I hate you' he mouthed to me. Meanwhile I was dying by the corner of my bed trying to be quiet so our cover wouldn't be blown.

"So tell me, did you get me any moon rocks that look like diamonds" she asked. Liam looked at me panicked causing me to laugh even more into the pillow I grabbed from my bed. "N-no-umm I- I" he said stuttering. "Look Natalie, I called to tell you that I want to get you laid" he said, cringing again. By now tears were falling from my eyes and I probably looked like a tomato. "What did you say, you got me lays from the moon?, you mean the chips or..?" She asked.

"No no, I. Want. To. Get. You. Laid." He said slowly. A squeak came out of me as I clutched my stomach, okay now it hurts. "Oh" she said. Surprisingly she didn't hang up and instead said "when? now?" she said suggestively. "Umm" he said looking at me. I took a breathe and stopped laughing noticing he needed help before it got serious. "Off" I mouthed to him, 'Shut the phone'.

"Cause I'm so ready, I-" immediately he hung up. "I really really really hate you Colton" he said. I laughed all over again at that one. Even after I calmed down, Liam was still frowning as he snatched my phone from my hands. "Hey!" I said trying to get it back.

"It's my turn to choose for you!" He grumbled. I didn't argue on that, not after what he just went through. Suddenly he smirked evilly. "Dare!" He said. "Go to a grocery store, and ask a girl for her number, while acting like an asšhole player" he said laughing. And I knew exactly why he chose that one. How ironic is it that Avery is in the supermarket right now. "Great" I said.

"Cmon we need to go before she leaves" he said. I need to cut that out too, so the suspense is real for the viewers. "Ok ok" I said getting up off the floor and turning the camera off.

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