Chapter 10- Scared and alone

Start from the beginning

Murmuring the lyrics to the song called scared to be lonely I think, we're all just broken souls seeking love and comfort. Have I told you that singing is one of my passions and I've been told that I'm good at it.

Now that I think about it if I had my phone on me it most likely would be flashing with notifications, I just need a break from everyone and everything. You know when it's bad when you feel numb, at this point I don't care if some crazy stalker creep came alone and threatened me at all. I'm stupid, you don't need to tell me that because I know. And I'm stupid because I let myself fall asleep on the park bench, curled in a ball.
I stir and I feel something tighten around me, my body is cold but held by something warm and comforting that gives me a feeling of safety and protection. Wait a minute.... my eyes pop open and I look at the culprit. I can barley see the person though because it's still dark which tells me that I haven't been it here long until this person saw me. The street light illuminates on the persons face; Valentino. I puff it my cheeks, he is going to be very mad at me which I'm not looking forward to dealing with his rage. My eyes trail to the dark sky with a few stars and I just stare, his chest is bare informing me that he is shirtless and is in his pyjamas.

"Willow," his deep husky voice grumbles, my eyes trail to his face and I take a deep breath; he's staring at me, no trace of emotion tells me what he is feeling at this very moment and I'm not sure if I even want to know. "Why did you leave and fall asleep on a park bench where anyone could take you and hurt you?" He looks up again and continues walking.

"Because..... Because I needed time to myself, away from everyone. To think...." I trail off looking up at the dark sky again. He stays silent for a moment and I'm not sure whether he's mad or not.

"About what?" He finally says briefly looking down at me. I shake my head and a shameful tear falls down my cheek, I quickly try to wipe it away but he beats me to it when one of his arms retracts itself from my body and he reaches it up to my face to wipe the tear away. "Don't cry," he whispers pulling me tighter to his chest, I place my head on his chest to hide my face from his view. "Angel, tell me what's wrong," he pleads to me.

"I'm so lonely," I blurt out, I purse my lips because I didn't want to tell him anything. He is also apart of my pain, he also caused it. Maybe it's the feeling of vulnerability that makes you do crazy things without meaning to.

The sound of the door opening and the feeling of warm surrounding me tells us me that he just walked inside the house, his feet thumps and makes loud noises as he walks up the stairs. "Why do you feel like that?" He asks with a strained voice while opening up his bedroom door, the smell of his cologne wafts into my nose and shamefully calms me. He sits down with me on his lap and I look at him with wide brown eyes, he tucks a strand behind my ear.

"B-because I have no one anymore. No family...... Family is always meant to be t-there. And no one understands how I feel!" My eyes close on their own accord and I bite my lip to contain the sob. I'm so sick of crying!

He doesn't say anything for a minute, "you have me. You have Nova, you have Emberly, Cadence and Amalia and the gang. We can be your family."

"See what I mean? You just don't understand, it's not the same as real biological family." His face goes hard and his jaw clenches, he looks away from me and takes deep breaths.

"Don't say that when you know nothing about me," he spits in anger. "The gang is my family now Willow and if I can do it, you can do it too," I keep my mouth closed and refrain myself from saying: they may be considered your family but look how cold you are now.

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