Chapter 16

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==>John:Continue our regularly scheduled fLIPPING OUT

As said before, you are still flipping out. You were now crying on the couch while your dad stroked your back.

"It's alright John, it'll be okay, he'll be alright..."

You sniffles and looked at him.

"A-are we gonna be able to s-see him anytime soon? "

"Actually, Bro said we should be able to go visit by next week, if you're up for-"

"Yes I'm definitely up for it," you said with a straight face. He gave a small smile that looked...sympathetic? Sad? Both? Eh, it is what it is.

"Now, go and get your rest son."

You nodded and went back up to your room. You flopped on your bed. Heh, Dave had been there a couple hours ago. Youfound it weird that something like that could happen in that short span of time. If Dave were here, he'd laugh at the irony. You smiled to the ceiling and drifted off to sleep, Dave occupying your thoughts.

﹏ ﹏ ﹏ ﹏ Time skip brought to you by the gayness spreader (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ﹏ ﹏ ﹏ ﹏

==>John:Drag dat ass to school

UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. You really and truly did not feel up to going to school today. Things would be a lot different without Dave there...You sat up, putting your glasses on and sitting on your bed. Just then you heard a knock at your door followed by your father's voice.

"John? Are you up?"

"Yeah just....yeah I'm up."

"Okay, get dressed and ready for school please."

Mondays are such a drag. But you guess you had to make it through the week. So you could see Dave. Granted, he'd be unconscious, but at least you could still see him.

You got up, brushed your teeth, got dressed, all that jazz. Your morning routine was as repetitive and boring as ever, so who would want to hear about that? Why don't we head on to the bus stop.

You are now at the bus stop. You walked up, silent now that you really had no one to greet. Well you had Rose and Jade, but they were with their girlfriends, Kanaya and Feferi. Though, they must've noticed you not being your usual self, cause they walked up to you. Kanaya was still holding Rose's hand, but Feferi was talking to Sollux.

You looked up just as they both approached. Jade was the first to speak.

"Hey John! Why the long face?"

"You heard too, huh?"

You looked to Rose after she said that and nodded. She nodded in turn and hugged Kanaya close. You couldn't sworn you saw a tear. Jade seemed confused.

"Heard what? What happened? I'm so confused and in the dark.. And where's Dave?"

Rose sniffled and whimpered from Kanaya's shoulder.

"Well Jade," you finally spoke up, "Dave is why we're sad...he' a coma..."

Her face fell.
"Oh no...that's terrible...but. We have to stay positive about this, right? It won't help if we stand here moping. And think about it, he can wake up at anytime. We just have to hope for the best and stay strong. For Dave."

You smiled to yourself. Jade was always so positive about everything. She always looked to the bright side of things and never backed down from what she believes in. She was always a good friend to you.

Soon enough, the bus came around the corner. Jade turned, and you tugged at her sleeve.

"Thanks Jade."

She smiled and nodded. The bus pulled up, and you all got on. Here comes the start of a long day.

┬┴┬┴┬┴┬Tiem shkip┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴

You are now walking to your first class of the day, art. You don't think it will be all that different, you didn't have your first class with Dave anyways.

The day dragged on, classes got even more boring. Of the classes you did have with Dave, you found yourself glancing at his seat. Rose was in most of those too, and you saw her looking as well.

Lunch came around, but you hardly ate. You did eat some, though, with the help of Jade poking a spoon of applesauce in your mouth....most of it ended up on your chin though.

Near the end of lunch, shit got heated. You were just sitting there, on your phone, when another one of the dicks in the school came up. His name was Jack Noir, but some called him Spades Slick. He walked up to you with the cockiest walk you had ever seen. Behind him was his gang, "The Midnight Crew".

You had just been casually scrolling through your Tumblr dash, and an advertisement for something childish, kid clothing shit you think, came up. Of course, you thought nothing if it, Tumblr always has weird ads, but Slick thought otherwise. You had no idea why he would be looking over your shoulder, but he was, he was.

"Hah, the fuck are ya, five?"

To which you promptly replied with, "Yeah, five inches deep in your mom."

Of course, you were being a dumb Egbert, and didn't think when you said that. Great going.

The biggest in the group, Hearts Boxcars, stepped up to you threateningly. Slick pit his arm out and stopped him. Everyone had now gathered around you five, and you're pretty sure someone yelled, "OOHH BURN!" And another, "SHOTS FIRED!"

"Well ain't you one brave lil pipsqueak? I'll tell ya somethin', I-"

You then proceeded to do something that no one has ever done, that no on suspected you would be the first to do. You stood up to Spades Slick.

"Look," you stood up from your sitting position, "I am not in the mood for all your bullshit, so could we please not do this today, okay? And while I'm at it, why don't you just go pick on someone your own size. I don't wanna deal with your stupid ass today, so I'm leaving." You walked off towards the gym for your next class, PE, right as the bell rang. Everyone stood there, dumbfounded. Even the Crew.

You are not in the mood today.

==>Jade:Marvel at John's audacity

Your name is Jade Harley.

Well, of course it is! You're pretty sure you know your own name. But in serious matters, you had just watched John stand up to Slick and his gang. You werent sure if he was overconfident, in a bad mood, or just plain stupid. Maybe all...

Who knows what it was? You thought of the possibilities as you walked to math, your next class. You realized something, though.

One day without Dave, and John is already not himself.


Quick A/N:

BRUUH. I did not ever think that this book would get 1k Views! I though I would get like, 7 at the most, XD. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH MY PEOPLE. Special treat though, updated this one day early! What what! Thank you all so much, again, I don't know what I would do without you guys!☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

Buckteeth and Sunglasses (Pepsicola) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon