McChapter 10

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((It's a McChapter because my sister and I had a bet that I would do it....and because I'm the author and I can do what I want.))

Be Dave==>

The year was coming to an end, and the new one was going to begin. And with it came new ends and new, that was corny.

Anywho, back to your story, the one with the cool kid and his dilemma with the dork of his dreams.  You were sitting on your bed, deep in thought. You took Rose's advice and planed to tell said dork of your feelings-and when better to do it than New Year's day?

You planned everything out, quite thoroughly might I add. It was going to go something like this, if everything went according to plan that is: Everyone would count down, as usual. Then, as the clock was about to strike twelve and the new year would come in, you would turn to him and say the three magic words. "I love you." You then had two ways to go from there. If he accepted your feelings, you would kiss him, sort of like a New Year's kiss..

Then again, many things in your life didn't go according to plan. Who knows, maybe your life will just say, "Eh, let him have this one." You seriously wished that was the case most of the time.

A sudden ding! pushed you our out of your thoughts. You walked over to your computer, where said dork is trying to reach you. Gog, you wish he was your dork..

----ectoBiologist[EB] began pestering turntechGodhead[TG]----

EB:hi Dave!
TG:hey sup
EB:hey so...
EB:I was wondering...
EB:could I maybe come over to your place?

You paused. Oh hell no. Fuck. There was no way that John was coming over to your place. There was no way he could see what you lived with. For one, everything was a mess. Then there was the ironic things. The too ironic. The smuppets.  Fucking Cal. Nope. No way.

TG:why the hell not

What. The. Fuck.

EB:I'll be there later
TG:sounds cool

----turntechGodhead[TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist[EB]----

What did you just do? As soon as you logged off, you jumped up so quickly you banged your knee on your desk. But no need to worry about you right now. You gotta clean up. And quick.

^°^°^°^°tiem shkip brot to you bie sweet bro and hella jeff ^°^°^°^

There. Done....with mostly everything. All that was left was the smuppets that were dotting random places throughout the apartment. You grabbed a trash bag. You still know why Bro even bought these. You guys rarely cleaned up. Picking up the multicolored puppets, the bag soon filled up. That left..him. You turned your head towards the direction of the couch. He say there, staring at you. Your nemesis. The one you loathed the most.

Lil Cal.

His backwards hat and one gold tooth mocked you from afar. You walked up to him, slowly. You were ready. You came prepared to this fight. Bro probably wasn't home, he almost never was. But that didn't mean he couldn't show up spontaneously. He still surprises you when he does things like that. But was he just gonna show up? That sure would be an unexpected surprise.

You reached for the small object in your pocket and you outstretched your other arm to the thing that haunted your nightmares. Slowly but steadily, your hand wrapped around his arm. You snatched him and looked around. You never know when Bro might be around.

The small object you were reaching for came out of your pocket. As much as you wanted it to be slow, it had to be quick.

"Okay dude. I don't like you, you don't like me. Let's just end this right now."

You held the lighter to Cal's foot and flicked the little wheel. The flame lit and you brought the small green lighter closer to him. Suddenly, you felt an impact to your stomach and next thing you know, you were don't the floor. You looked up and saw a pair of pointed shades. Yeah, Bro tackled you.

"Whatcha doin there lil man? And why is the apartment so clean?"
"Bro...get off."
"Not till you answer me."
"I was...uh.."

You were cut off by someone knocking. That must've been John. If Bro answered the door, that would've been just perfect. He must've been thinking the same thing, because he just smirked at you and got up as fast as he could. And that was fast. He opened the door up and there was the little dork.

"Sup. Ya lookin for Dave?"

Then he turns to your direction and yells, even though you're right there.

"Dave! You're boyfriend's here!"

John's face turns a little red, and you think yours does too.

"Go away Bro. And he's not my boyfriend. Idiot."
He smirked and walked away. You went to the door and pulled john inside.

"Sorry bout him."
"Its fine."
He looked around with a cute derpy grin.
"Your place is so cool!"
"Yeah thanks."

You pulled him to your room and he plopped on your bed. He still had that goofy grin on his face. You think that the only time you ever saw him not smile was when he was unconscious. You didn't wanna think about that time.

He started to talk about New Year's and invited you over to his house for that day. He said something about there being a huge fireworks show and that he had a perfect view from his bedroom window.

But you didn't care about the fireworks. You cared about the sparks. If it sounded corny or sappy, you didn't care anymore. All you cared about was making that little dork yours.


Hey hey! So, I was gonna actually change the title of this story but I've got nothing. (=0_0=) Got any suggestions? Leave a comment or PM me. Thanks! Votes and comments are appreciated!
Mkay. Bøi!

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