Chapter 7

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Be Dave==>

There he was. Lying there, hurt and helpless. You have never run so fast in your life. You approached him and his wounds were worse than you would've thought. His lip and nose were bleeding, he had a black eye, and he had various bruises all across his body.

You didn't want to pick him up, for fear that it might hurt him. Instead, you looked up and down the hall for someone, anyone, and it seemed to be your lucky day.

Over at the water fountains was someone. You thought you recognized him, but didn't have time to dwell on the boy's identity. You yelled for him to go grab a teacher, or the nurse.He looked at you and John, then ran to the front office.

In the meantime, you pet John's hair and whispered somewhat soothing words. Things like: "Its ok, you're gonna be ok." and "Help is on the way John, just hang in there." You played with John's hair some more, the strands soft between your fingers.

Finally, a few people came running up, the nurse and principal among them. You looked at them, but of course they couldn't see the fear and pain in your eyes. Sometimes having sunglasses was a real nuisance.

They pried you away from you best friend and crush. They blocked him from your view. Everything was a blur after that.


Be John==>

Ouch. You tried to move, but everything hurt. Eventually you sat up. You realize that you are currently sitting in a hospital bed. How did you end up here? The last thing you remember was that douche Erik beating you up, then passing out.

Just then a lady, probably a nurse, walked in. Your suspicions were proved correct when she started doing random tests on you. You were in slight pain but otherwise okay. That horrible pain from earlier had diminished.

She walked out, and someone else walked in a few minutes later. This time, it was Dave. He walked in and smiled.

"Heeey sleeping beauty. How ya feelin?" He sat down in the chair next to your bed. You smiled back, grateful that he was there with you.
"I'm just fine. A little sleepy is all." You had wondered where your dad was, only to have that question answered a few seconds later.
"Hey, your dad should be here any minute." How did he do that? It's like he read your mind. You nodded and lay you head back on the pillow.

A thought came to you that slipped your mind a while ago. You looked out your window and noticed it was dark outside.

"Hey Dave...what time is it?"
"Umm...almost 8:30. Why?"
"Oh no! Dave, you're gonna miss the dance!" He just smiled and looked down.
"It's long as I'm with you, I don't really care where I am." You felt your face heat up as you blushed furiously. Again, you think you saw Dave blush too. If it weren't for those shades.

His shades...what was he hiding under those shades? Maybe he was just light sensitive? Was he secretly blind? Was he one of those people who had mismatched eyes? Different scenarios flooded your head as you found yourself staring at the boy in front of you.

What was he hiding behind those aviator sunglasses of his? Without thinking, you spat out the question that had taken over you mind.

"Dave...can I see your eyes?" Immediately after talking, you felt as if you shouldn't have. You wanted to know, but you think you pushed his limits a bit.

He looked down and eventually moved his fingers to his shades.

"Wait no Dave. You don't have to if you don't want to."
"I have to do this, John. I've kept this secret for too long. And...if I'm gonna share it with anyone, I want it to be you."

You couldn't help but blush from that last comment. You watched Dave in silence as his hands went to his shades once again. He grabbed the frame and slowly took them off. Once they were fully off, he folded the frames and put them in his lap. As you stared, he looked up and two scarlet red orbs stared back at you.

"Hideous, I know. Gog, I'm a freak." He leaned back in his chair and tilted his head back.

"No Dave...I was gonna say that..they're gorgeous." He snapped his head up.


Be Dave==>

He likes your eyes. He said they're gorgeous.  What the fuck? You hated your eyes. Normally, people would say the the color of one's eyes doesn't matter, but did they have red demon eyes? You think not.

"I wanna see your eyes up close. Just c'mere." You rolled your eyes and scooted closer to the bed. There was only a few inches between John's face and yours.

He sat up just a little bit and cupped your face with his palms and you sat like that fora few moments. You felt the warmth of his hands as he leaned in ever so slightly. You found yourself leaning in too. Slowly, you were so close that your noses touched. You felt his breath as you held your own. This was it the moment you dream-


The sudden noise made you and John jump away from each other. You grabbed your shades and put them on.

"C-come in." He was so cute when he was flustered. When he said that, none other than dad Egbert came in. Great timing dadbert.

You felt like you should leave them alone for awhile, so you got up and headed to the door.

"Well, I should be going now. See you later John, hope you feel better."
"Thanks Dave, bye."

You had walked into the main lobby and texted Bro to come get you. There's now way in hell that you were waiting outside. Your Texan body wasn't used to this cold ass weather.

A few minutes later, you had seen Bro pull up. While you walked out, you thought about what happened before John's dad came into his a room. Something was wrong about that moment...something weird...

Then, it struck you. He leaned in first. John was the one about to kiss much for not being a homo.


Buckteeth and Sunglasses (Pepsicola) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt