Chapter 9 part 2

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     I pried my eyes open slowly. My body was stiff and my arms were frozen inside my shirt. Early morning light was just barely cascading over out camp site. I sat up, stiffly stuck my arms out from my shirt, before looking around at my surroundings. Orion and Allister were already up; Orion was pacing while Allister sat casually beside me.

    "What time is it?" I yawned sitting all the way up.

           "Time for us to get going is we want to make it to Ashby anytime soon." Orion said harshly, he walked towards m, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to my feet. "Here drink this." I was surprised when Orion pulled out a half empty water bottle.

           "Where the hell did you get this?" I asked as I unscrewed the cap and drank the last of it's contents.

He just shrugged, "I just had it. Now can we get going?" he spat, his anger was turned towards Allister. Allister sighed and pushed himself to his feet.

       "Well okay let's get going." Allister brushed passed me and pumped into Orion; if looks could kill Allister would be dead.

     We followed him up and over the ridge onto a flat, grassy plain. It wasn't completely desolate. Old crumbling buildings littered the plateau; they too looked like they had long since been burned to the ground.
Orion snorted, "Is this your city? Not much of a city, is it?" I could hear the amusement in his voice.

        "No... no this can't be it!" Allister whispered half to himself, he ignored Orion's smug grin and he made his way quickly towards the burnt down city.

I went to follow him down but Orion stopped me. "Let him go."

    "What? Why?" I asked, slightly confused.

      "Let him go. Let him go to his "city" and while he's down there we can leave." And he started to pull me away in the opposite direction. I yanked my arm out of his grasp, "What? No! Orion what he said about someone being the cause of Everlost being burnt down, I don't think he's wrong! I think he may be onto something and I want answers too. Don't forget my house was burnt down too and I want to know why." He didn't say anything but he did let go of my arm.

      "Okay. We'll see how for this plan goes."
I nodded, "Thank you." And I too made my way to the ruined city, with Orion in tow.

       Allister was searching through the ruins almost desperately. He was mumbling to himself the whole time, "This can't be Ashby, it just can't!"

        "That's because it's not," an old woman with long, stringy blonde hair, she walked with a limp, out of the ruins of blackened buildings. "not anymore. Not since the light came." Allister was by her side in a moment, "What the hell do you mean the light came?" He grabbed his shoulders.
        Orion and I were by his side a moment after. I was about to tell Allister to leave the old woman alone, but the woman batted his hands off her.

       "Just that, lights came from the sky, picked up a young boy and then destroyed they city." She said grumpily. All three of us were silent, trying to wrap our minds around what the elderly woman told us.

         "Can you tell us more about the boy who was picked up by the lights?" Orion asked, his voice sounded forced and all business.
T         he woman's eyes narrowed, "Only if you spare some food and water." Allister opened his mouth to protest but Orion silence him with a glare. "Fine. But tell us about the lights and if you take the food and run... I'll chase you down myself." Orion's voice was intense and a bit scary. I half expected the old woman to look scared or even a bit offended, but I was surprised when the woman grinned and nodded, motioning us towards one of the dilapidated buildings. Allister followed her without hesitation but Orion grabbed my arm and leaned down to whisper to me.

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