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Jessi pov

Hi my name is Jessica I'm 17, Dominican and Black I'm not a hoe if that's what your thinking the only person I mess with is cyn...like literally only her no feelings attached she call I'm there which is not often that she calls but you wondering why she threw us out like she did?....honestly I don't even know yanno its actually a regular thing she does we fuck then duces but I was only pissed because the bitch threw freezing cold ass water on me....in my sleep.....and I had just got my bundles in I should whoop her ass she think she crazy.....wait till she meets Erica my internal twin now when that side of me comes out...run, but anyway I left my phone at her house so I'm on my way back over there I pulled up its now seven its sorta dark out but she had all her lights off and I know she not sleep I knock and ring the door bell.....no answer her car is here I got a bobby pin from my hair and unlocked the door....don't ask. It was quiet as fuck in here all you could here was light music playing upstairs from her room cold sweat by tinashe was playing I looked downstairs to see if my phone was down there nope. I slowly walked up the stairs I began to hear light sniffles from her room I open her room door it was very dim do to the fact her black light was on she had broken glass every where anything glass down to mirrors were all broken I looked around to see she was gone but I heard sniffles from the bathroom she had the light off in there I slowly walked towards the bathroom and turn on the light only to see her sprawled out on the floor her eyes and eye lids were bleeding from scratches and she had cuts on both of her wrist, stomach, thighs, and arms there was a bag of coke and xanax there were three lines of coke but two were gone

"CYN!! Cyn....baby get up! Come on..."

Her nose started to bleed and her mouth started to foam I picked her up and grabbed her phone and rushed out to the hospital........

Cyn pov

I often find myself in a place where its just me and nobody else its quiet and peaceful and I'm happy.... I hate my life.....everyday I question why I was put on this earth maybe to be a whore like my mama said or just to constantly be someone's punching bag or to just be hurt in general.... I looked in the mirror disgusted with myself I'm a fucking disgrace just like mama said every thing mama said was true ima hoe look at how I did jess and v, I'm ugly because obviously no one loves or cares about me, I'm pitiful and just need to end it all....it hurts like hell to know that all of those said things are true....ugh! I broke every single mirror in sight or anything I could see my reflection in why should I want to look at myself.?... I'm fat ass hell like mama said my hair is nappy my face is battered I just look....disgusting...

'All it takes is a few slits to the wrist to end it all you pathetic ass bitch....do it! no one cares, no one loves you, no one wants you, just fucking kill yourself already'....

Maybe the voice in my head was  right I could just end it all right?.....

'No duh! Dumb ass you SHOULD end it all! Go the fuck away your unwanted!"

Yea...yea I should I'm unwanted right...nobody cares...I grabbed the razor,coke, and xanax and went into the bathroom I began cutting my wrist....it felt amazing, the thought of me not being here alone brought joy...I cut everything my wrist, thighs , arms, and my stomach I enjoyed seeing my blood pool under me onto the floor I began feeling weak I took a handful of xanax and did two lines of coke..it'll help kill me...I waited...waited..and waited I grabbed my baby's Ultrasound picture and kissed it I looked and seen my reflection of myself on a chunk of glass god I was hideous! I scratched at my eyes I didn't want to see myself 

'Ugh!! Just die already dumb ass!'

And like that I was out.....mommy loves you prince.....


This was a shorter chapter probably how the rest of them are going to be but I did chapter one as a sex scene to show you a little on how cyn has problems but better chapters are to come y'all will find out why cyn is the way she is sooner or later and lol yes Jessi inner "twin" Erica is going to be based off of cyn's real life ex Erica....so let's see how this comes into play


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