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Izzy tossed around restlessly beneath her scratchy blankets. Everything that even slightly touched her skin felt like sandpaper. Just putting on a shirt felt like a bag of sand had been dumped down her collar. Gray rays of light were starting to seep through the windows but it was still too early to get up and actually face the day. But despite the ungodly hour Izzy couldn't make herself to fall back to sleep. It was the itchy sheets and the hot air and the absence of gentle snores from across the room that kept her from getting any rest. She turned over yet again to face the wall, making the annoying sheets scrape against her skin. After counting out five dozen agonizing seconds Izzy had enough and kicked the itchy blankets off the bed, not caring that they landed in a crumpled heap on the floor. After several torturous minutes the burning of her skin was finally beginning to fade and Izzy's mind was starting to drift when the sound of the door opening startled her awake. She lay awake and listened intently as the front door clicked shut and quiet footsteps advanced through the apartment. A loud thud echoed down the hall, followed by a hissed "Ow!" A few breathless moments passed before the doorknob of Izzy's bedroom twisted and the door creaked open. A shadowy figure stumbled into the room, tripping a bit over his own feet and muttering a few more curse words before he bumped into his bed.

"Jimin?" His shoulders stiffened when he heard Izzy's voice but he didn't respond.

"Are you okay?" He said nothing to her as he peeled off his jacket and threw it on the floor, his shirt soon followed.

"I'm sorry," Izzy whispered as Jimin yanked back the sheets and collapsed on his bed, facing away from her.

Izzy pulled herself into a seated position and stared at Jimin's bare back for a while. It's official, he's ignoring her. How long would he do this? Yoongi said that Jimin would come back and he did, but he didn't say anything about Jimin freezing her out. Izzy didn't like this one bit, she hated it in fact. She hated that Jimin was mad at her. She hated that he was ignoring her. She hated that she was the one who caused him pain. And most of all she hated that the withdrawal she felt wasn't for the morphine but for Jimin's warm gaze on her.

Seeing that Jimin was obviously not going to miraculously turn around suddenly forgive her, Izzy sighed and got out of bed. She didn't bother with pulling on longer pants or a sweatshirt since the itching from her shorts and tank top was already bad enough. Izzy crept out of the bedroom, shut the door behind her so Jimin could sleep in peace, and padded down the hall to the kitchen before flipping on the light. Dull beams of early sunlight pierced through the windows and the clock read 5:34. Izzy clambered onto the counter and dug around the cabinets in search of coffee. Since Jin and Namjoon were usually the ones to wake up first and make the coffee they saw no trouble in storing the coffee tin on the top shelf. However, since Izzy was considerably shorter than everyone else in the apartment, she had to engage in a bit of early-morning counter climbing just to get the coffee. After retrieving the tin and setting a strong pot of coffee to brew, Izzy lay her entire torso down across the countertop and shut her eyes. It was far too early to be awake and the two and half hours of sleep she'd managed to get that night did nothing to relieve her exhaustion.

"Izzy?" A sleepy voice called from the hallway, making Izzy lift her head from the counter. "Why are you up so early?" Jungkook yawned and leaned against the counter next to her.

"I just couldn't sleep," she mumbled. "Why are you up?"

Izzy lifted herself fully from the counter and instead lay her head down on Jungkook's shoulder. He hung a heavy arm over her shoulder and lay his head on top of hers.

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