Chapter 21: Bittersweet Symphony

Start from the beginning

"No, you're not getting out of bed Symphony. You are staying put, just like Charles." Hank grunted seriously, earning puppy eyes from the fox that now sat before him.

Hank just shook his head and stood up. "Try to get some rest, both of you." He said as he left the room.

Symphony growled. I've had enough of resting. I'm tired of resting. I want out of this bed. I want out of this room. I want outside! She complained. I'm tired of being stuck in here.

Charles smiled and pulled his fox back towards him, wrapping his arms gently around her. "I know Symphony. I'm sure Hank will figure out the serum soon, and you'll be out of here in no time. I promise." He told her.

Symphony sighed and licked her lips. The sooner the better. She answered irritably. I'm hungry. She then realized.

Charles chuckled. "I know."

Symphony whined, and Charles scratched her ears gently. "You get grumpy when you're hungry." He commented, earning a gentle swat with a fox paw from Symphony.

"Here." He sighed, reaching over to open a drawer in his bedside table.

Symphony sat up and put a paw one Charles' free arm as he brought out a box of treats. "Don't tell Hank I gave you one first thing in the morning." Charles chuckled, pulling a treat out.

Symphony just took the treat gratefully and started chowing down on it, her tail flicking happily.


Charles sighed, looking down at Symphony.

It was now mid afternoon, and they'd spent the whole day just laying there.

Symphony was still incredibly bored, and had even suggested playing a card game, but then realized they'd both have to sneak out of bed in order to get any games.

"We could just get Hank to bring us something to do." Charles suggested.

Symphony shook her head sleepily. "The less we interrupt him, the faster he'll work, and the sooner I'll be out of bed." She reasoned, stretching her arms a little, along with her legs.

Charles smiled and shifted a little so that he was on his side, giving him a better angle to kiss Symphony from.

Symphony curled up and closed her eyes, bored enough that she was falling asleep.

Charles brushed her hair out of her face with a chuckle, and simply watched as Symphony drifted back into a restless sleep, still as cuddly as she had been earlier in the morning.

Hank tapped on the doorway quietly, just enough to get Charles' attention.

Charles looked up and caught Hank's eyes hopefully.

Hank nodded and smiled, holding up a needle. "Already tested it. It works." He whispered.

Charles grinned. "She's going to be very happy to hear that." He answered, noticing Symphony's ears twitching at some unknown sound as she slept peacefully, her tail and feet twitching infrequently.

Hank nodded and smiled. "Let's tell her once she's awake. For now let's let her sleep." Charles muttered.

Symphony yawned as her fingers and toes stretched out, cracking.

Charles chuckled. "She looks so innocent and peaceful when she's sleeping." He sighed, making Hank smile.

"And she's not innocent and peaceful during the day?" Hank teased.

Charles smirked. "Peaceful? Her? During the day? Hank, you live here, you know the answer." He laughed.

Hank laughed as well, and shook his head. "I'll go get a start on dinner. Don't forget to take your medication Charles." He reminded, noticing that Charles had yet to take his cold medication.

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