Chapter 3: Xavier Mansion

Start from the beginning

"Come on!" Raven exclaimed, taking a step forward. "Time for the tour!"

Symphony sighed and reluctantly followed Raven, fully aware that Charles was watching her.

Symph... He called, trying to get Symphony's attention part way through the tour.

Symphony tried to resist, but found herself coming to the back of the group anyway, making Charles smile.

This is my room. He nodded towards the well furnished bedroom he was standing outside of. In case you ever need to find me when we're not busy training. He told her.

Symphony watched as the group left down another hall, before changing back to her human form.

Charles smiled again. "You're getting quite good at that." He chuckled.

Symphony half smiled, and licked her lips before speaking.

"What room will I be staying in?" She asked, looking around at the various empty rooms.

"Whatever one you want. Raven's is that one on the right, at the end of the hall. Has been since Mother and I adopted her into the family." Charles told her.

Symphony took a slightly timid step forward, leaning over to look in the various rooms around them, before finding one with a blue and silver theme, right across from Charles' room, just like back in the compound.

Charles chuckled. "I had a feeling you might like that one." He nodded with a sweet smile. "It used to be my Mother's. She said the blue was calming."

Symphony sighed and walked into the room, looking around with more understanding of the objects around her.

"It's yours if you like. I don't mind." Charles told her, leaning on the door frame.

Symphony looked up at him quietly. "She's right." She replied quietly.

"Hmm?" Charles hummed, unable to read her mind right now.

"Your Mother. She was right. The blue is calming. It's a scientifically known fact, and also an artistic fact. Reds often represent fire, rage, violence, anger. Red is an agitating colour, whereas blue more often represents the quieter things in life. Sadness, serenity, sleep, ice, the night..." Symphony informed him.

Charles smiled and shook his head in wonder. "You are quite remarkable." He laughed, taking a step further into the room. "Where did you learn all this?" He asked in fascination.

"My Father. He was a scientist, and my Mother was an artist. They both learned a great deal about colours, and learned even more from each other. I learned to draw, and how to do some genetic science. That's what my father was... He was a geneticist. He's the reason I knew I wasn't going crazy when I found my psychokinesis. He ran tests and found that the X-gene had mutated." Symphony sighed, sitting carefully on the bed.

Charles smiled even more. "I would have liked to meet your family. They sound like remarkable people."

Symphony smiled some, and then stood up. "Raven's wondering where we've gotten to, and Erik is missing his pet." She giggled.

Charles burst out laughing. "His pet?" He asked, unsure of what to say. "He thinks of you as a pet?"

Symphony shook her head. "I think he's still deciding. Apparently he doesn't mind having a fox around as much as he thought he would." She chuckled with a small smile. "Come on!" She summoned Charles, before turning into a fox and taking off down the hall, following the scents of the the others.

"Woops!" Charles exclaimed as he made an effort to keep up with Symphony. "Symphony, slow down!" He laughed cheerfully, nearly tripping over a rug as he jogged after her.

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