Chapter Nine

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Satarou had no clue what time it was. He thought he probably woke up some time during the night, as everyone else was still snoring away. However, it could be daytime and they would probably still be sleeping since there is nothing else you can do when you are trapped in a cage.

"I need to get out and get to Sparrow.." Satarou mumbled to himself. Satarou knew that Sparrow was probably scared for his life, being trapped in a cage. He wanted to make sure that Sparrow was brought back to safety. Not to mention, the clan would never let him live it down if he had escaped only to save his own hide. Yui would be so disappointed in him if he knew that Satarou abandoned Sparrow. That was the best motivator for Satarou to try and save Sparrow. After all, the younger boy had been taken because of him.

Satarou's ears perked up as he tried to listen. He could hear footsteps coming out from outside of the door. Satarou did not want to deal with more people.

"Time to rise and shine, new mutt" one of the warriors spoke, walking closer to Satarou's cage. It was still too dark to see anything, but he could recognize the warrior's voice as Yuneal.

"Stay back you damn warrior!" Satarou let out a loud growl, backing up to one corner of the cage. Yuneal unlocked the door of the cage and yanked Satarou out roughly. He didn't even wait for Satarou to get back up on his feet from being yanked out before he began to drag the teen across the floor.

"Does that hurt, mutt?" Yuneal asked sadistically, "good! You are about to go through a lot more pain than this, so suck it up, mutt!"

Satarou doesn't know how long he was being dragged for, but he arrived at another room. The door wasn't black, but a dark gray.

"You stay in here, mutt. Your tormentor will be here soon! Don't think of escaping now, i'm guarding this room!" Yuneal shoved Satarou in the room roughly before closing the door. Satarou didn't know how long he had to try and escape, so he franticly looked around the room.

He saw a vent he could easily jump into. He wasn't sure how safe it was, though, since the vent was already open. It must be a trap.

"So you are the mutt everyone has been talking about?" Satarou whipped his head around to see this new, strange man.

Satarou sniffed the air before growling, "you're more of a mutt than I am. You're a half-breed."

"Shut up!" the man towered over Satarou, venom dripping off his tongue as he growled in Satarou's face.

"You aren't even a tough breed" Satarou rolled his eyes, "you're nothing more than a mere chihuahua and poodle mix."

"For what I lack in my transformation, I make up for in human form! I am a lot stronger like this and you can have a taste of my wrath, mutt!" he growled.

Satarou laughed coldly, "what do you think you can do, halfbreed?" Satarou took off his kimono and changed into his wolf form, growling tauntingly.

"Change back, mutt!" the guy growled. Satarou looked the man in his eyes, and he could tell the man was a little bit afraid as he stared at Satarou.

Satarou let out a warning growl as the man stepped closer. It translated clearly that Satarou would attack if the man didn't back off.

"If you won't change back, then I will just beat you down to a bloody pulp!" the guy growled, taking out a whip. He immediately began whipping Satarou, over and over. Satarou didn't know why, but the whip seemed to be making him lose strength fast.

Satarou wasn't able to stand up any longer, so he fell to his side weakly.

"Oh yeah, you're confused aren't you?" the man laughed like a mad man, "this whip isn't ordinary. It is made specifically to beat wereanimals so that they can't fight back!"

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