Chapter Four

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Three exhausting and energy-draining days has gone by since the clan has decided to relocate. No one has learned much about Sparrow since he has joined the clan. Everyone had just accepted him into their clan as a temporary member, but Satarou didn't trust him. He didn't know why, but he just knew that Sparrow will end up creating chaos before they locate his family. Satarou didn't understand why everyone was so accepting of him.

Satarou glanced over at Sparrow to see him asleep on the back of Tiny's horse. Tiny was directing the horse on where to go.

The untrusting teen was quite tired. They had been riding for a few days. They had not camped for the night yet, and Satarou felt that he would fall off his horse any moment and collapse from exhaustion. But he wouldn't allow himself to be found weak and vulnerable in front of this clan. He still wasn't sure if they were worthy of his trust.

Looking around, Satarou soon found himself in the small town of Mahlou. The sounds of the horses footsteps echoed for miles. The town was littered with stalls. At least a hundred people surrounded the stalls, trying to shop. From what Satarou could tell, the stalls either carried food or souvenir items.

"Get your souvenir items here! Today we have a very special item!" one shop annoucer called out in a loud and boomy voice, "today's special item is a model of an Angel! The one and only famous Casper!"

Satarou's heart nearly stopped at that statement. Was this his chance to finally find out where Casper was? Would these people know? Would they even know anything about him?

"Satarou? Why did we stop?" Yui asked from behind him. Satarou snapped back to reality and realized that he had stopped the horse. The rest of the clan hasn't noticed that they stopped following yet.

"Yui? Do you remember how to ride a horse?" Satarou asked. Yui nodded warily, "alright then. Ride and catch up to the rest of the clan. I can track you down by your scent, okay? I will catch up to you."

"Alright, Satarou" Yui asked. A moment later, Satarou hopped off the horse and Yui trotted to catch up to the rest of the clan. Satarou didn't wait a moment longer as he hurried to the stall that was selling the item.

"What the heck? You're cutting the line! Get in the back like the rest!" one of the civilians yelled as Satarou pushed his way through the crowd, knocking some over in the process, to get to the front of the line.

"So, who wants this special item-" the worker was cut off when Satarou slammed his fist on the table in front of him, giving the worker a very intensified glare. Satarou fought back the feeling of disgust when he realized the model of Casper was naked. It was made out of pure silver and Satarou had no doubt that it was real. It reflected light off of it in every direction. Model Casper was in a sitting position with his legs crossed and hand pointed towards the sky. He was facing forward as his remaining hand rested on his lap, but not covering his lower region. Satarou wanted to puke at that thought, so he turned his attention away from the statue to continue glaring at the man holding it.

"Where did you get that?" Satarou demanded.

"Oh, this?" the worker was afraid and nervous of Satarou. Beads of sweat littered his face, and it was obvious he would escape if he were given the chance.

"Yes!" Satarou snapped, "now where did you get it?"

"Did you want this? I can give it to you for free! Just please don't hurt me! I have a family!" the guy pleaded.

"I don't want it! Now tell me who gave it to you! Do you know anything about Casper?" Satarou was full-on yelling now. He even slammed his fist down on the table for added effect. He would find Casper no matter what it took him!

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