Chapter Six

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"Time to get up, princess!" Leon sang as he entered the tent, causing a sleepy Satarou to stir for a moment before groaning.

Satarou sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes before shooting Leon a glare, "What time is it?"

Leon shrugged. "The sun hasn't even come out yet. Come on, we need to get leaving so that we can track down your brother. We can ride my horse. Where were you when you last saw him?"

Satarou looked away, grumbling. "Mahlou."

"Oh!" Leon chirped, "that isn't too far from this campsite. It should only take us two hours to get there."

"Alright, then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Satarou demanded. He stood up on shaky legs.

"Wait!" Leon called out, "if you take a step, you might fall-"

Satarou took a step anyways. Surprisingly, he didn't fall. He took another step, and another, and another. He didn't fall, but he did have an obvious limp.

"Well, then" Leon frowned, "why don't you come sit down so that I can change your bandages?"

Satarou didn't say anything, but he obeyed, anyways. He unwrapped some of the kimono and pulled it down until it was down below his ribs.

Leon started to undo Satarou's bandages when someone clapped their hands outside the tent to alert Leon.

"Knock, knock." It was Rafeal.

"Come on in, Rafeal" Leon said, not looking back at the tent door.

Rafeal entered, holding a roll of bandages in front of him. "Here, I thought you would need some more bandages."

"Thank you, Rafeal" Leon said, taking the roll from him. He checked Satarou's wound to see how it was doing. Once he was done, he rewrapped Satarou in bandages. Satisfied, Satarou fixed his Kimono so it was on him again.

"Well, let's go get settled on my horse, shall we?" Leon asked Satarou.

Satarou looked Leon in the eyes, "give me my weapons."

"Alright, alright" Leon replied before getting up to fetch the feisty teen his weapons.

Satarou was satisfied once Leon handed him his bow, arrows, and sword. He immediately put them on before getting up. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go find my brother!" He glared for good measure.

Rolling his eyes, Leon nodded. "Alright, princess. Let's go then." They walked outside the tent, mumbling a goodbye to Rafael as they left. The stalls were located right outside the campsite, which wasn't a very far walk at all. There were about eight horses, Satarou counted.

Leon stopped right outside the sixth stall. He held up the door and led out a white, brown and black horse. "Meet my girl, Rain." He introduced her as he led her out of the stall. "Well, hop on her, princess."

Satarou was a little confused. "What about her saddle?"

"She doesn't need one" Leon replied, "in Black Jasper, we ride our horses bareback."

Without another word, Satarou hopped onto the gorgeous horse.

Leon was the next to jump on, right in front of Satarou. "Hold on tight, princess! I don't want you falling off and injuring yourself worse!" Sighing in defeat, Satarou wrapped his arms around Leon's torso to keep himself from falling off.

Without another word, they started to run towards the small town of Mahlou.

A few hours later, they were able to find the town of Mahlou. It was still quite early, so everyone was still asleep. The loudest noise they could hear were the crickets. Fireflies lit up the dark and starry skies. There was still another hour before the sun would come up.

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