Chapter Five

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Satarou began to stir before blinking open a few eyes.

"It's so bright.." he murmured, bringing an arm up to shield his vision. It took him another minute before he was finally able to fight off the brightness of the room. Upon waking up, the first thing he noticed was that he was in a tent, though he didn't know where. The second thing was that he was naked with only a thin blanket to cover him up. The last thing he noticed was that his ribs were wrapped in bandages.

Satarou breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that his mother's necklace was still around his neck, right where it belonged.

"What happened to me?" Satarou asked himself. Then suddenly, the memories came back to him. He remembered hunting down the merchant. He remembered losing a lot of blood and collapsing. He did not remember how he ended up in this tent. He also did not remember who would have wrapped him up in bandages to stop his bleeding. Gasping, he called out his brother's name, "Yui!" He also knew that Yui was probably worried sick about him. Satarou never did catch up to Yui, and they were probably days away from where he was located now. Satarou would need to search for Yui as soon as possible before they got too far. He didn't know how far it would take him to find Yui.

Gritting his teeth in pain, Satarou tried to get up. He managed to stand up on his feet, but the moment he tried to take a step, he immediately fell back onto the ground with a loud thump.

"What are you doing?" someone asked from the doorway of the tent. Satarou glanced up to see that it was Leon from the Black Jasper clan. Satarou frowned at that. He must have been found by Black Jasper. They were probably keeping him prisoner, but he would not allow them to! The moment he is all healed, he will escape!

"Where am I?" Satarou snarled.

"You are at my campsite" Leon muttered.

"How long have I been out?" Satarou decided to ask. He needed to know.

"Five days" was Leon's response.

Satarou glared, "five days? I need to find my brother! Let me go, he's worried sick about me!"

"I can't do that" Leon glared just as harshly, "I know you are impatient to leave, princess, but you are still injured!"

"No, i'm leaving now!" Satarou growled, "let me go and I won't have to hurt you!"

"Show a little respect!" Leon snapped, "if I hadn't found you when I did, you would have died. You're very lucky I happened to be there!"

"But I need to go-" Satarou started, but Leon cut him off.

"You can find your brother soon enough, I promise" Leon responded, "but, you can't even walk right now. You're hurt, and you will only take more damage if you leave. Instead of snapping at me, you should be thanking me. I saved your life. If I wasn't there when I was, you wouldn't even have a brother to go to because you would be dead! What use are you to him if you are dead?"

Satarou looked away in defeat, though his fighting spirit hasn't left. "Fine" he grumbled.

"Alright, now let me help you change into your kimono. It must be uncomfortable having to be naked" Leon said, "I washed it and I was able to get most of the blood out. There are a few traces still, but it blends in with the natural red of the kimono. I also stitched it up for you so you can't notice the rip as much." For the first time, Satarou noticed that Leon was carrying his kimono.

Satarou didn't answer him, though. He was just waiting for Leon to help him get dressed.

"So can I help you get changed now?" Leon asked Satarou. Grumbling in defeat, Satarou nodded his answer. Leon stepped closer. Slowly, he lifted Satarou's chin to meet his eyes, "look, I know you are worried about your brother. Here, I will make a promise with you. Let me take care of you today, and I can help you find your brother. I'm sure he is worried sick about you."

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